Chapter Eleven

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Prince William sped up to catch up to me. "Nico, I am so sorry..."

"I'm fine." I started messing with the handcuffs, ignoring the pain in my arm and wrists.

He shook his head. "It's not fine, but we can get you out of this," he glanced at the gash on my arm, "probably."

"Wow. You're so confident." I said sarcastically.


Click! The handcuffs came off and I stuffed them in my bag.

"I'll have to heal your arm later..."

I looked up at him. "You know how to heal people?"

"Yeah. My mom taught me before she... well, you know."

I did know, everyone in the kingdom did. The Queen died of an illness a long time ago.

"That must've been terrible." I said.

"What happened to your parents?" He asked curiously.

"I um don't like to talk about it..."

He nodded, though he was obviously disappointed. "It's okay. Oh, by the way, I brought you bread from the castle." He pulled a medium-sized loaf out of his bag.

"Prince William-"

"Call me Will."

"Alright. Will, I don't need this. I'm okay without it."

"You were planning on stealing bread anyway, correct? But... this happened. You still need the bread. If nothing else, do it for your sister. And while you have it at your house, you might as well eat a piece or two."

I sighed and took it, mumbling a thank you. He beamed at me. I put it in my satchel.

"What did your dad say when you got back to the castle after he tried to kill me?"

He winced. "Um... not much."

"You're lying."

He raised an eyebrow. "How could you tell?"

"Because the king doesn't seem like the forgive-and-forget type of person."

Will chuckled.

If guessed that if he tried to lie about the topic, he probably didn't want to talk about it. I changed the subject. "So, how did you figure out they were going to try to catch me tonight?"

"A servant named Sally Jackson told me."

I stopped in my tracks, causing the soldiers to shove me so I stumbled. "Sally Jackson?"


I smiled, "Does she get paid?"


"Good. She needs to be able to take care of Percy."

"What are you talking about? How do you know Percy?"

"They used to be our neighbors... if you can call them that when we don't even own the house we live in. Anyway, they were both in a bad situation. Finally they both managed to escape. I didn't know she got a job at the castle..."

"Bad situation? What do you mean?"

I looked up at him nervously. Should I tell him? Would Sally and Percy want me to?

"Nico, what happened?"

I decided I needed to tell him.

"Sally's first husband left them. She already had a child at that point named Percy. She was able to pay for him, but it was definitely hard. Sometimes I would steal her bread and leave it in her kitchen, and even though she would've had to know it was me she never said anything, so I know she appreciated it. Anyway, eventually she remarried. He was fairly nice at first. But... things changed with him. I could hear things all the way from my house."

I glanced worriedly back up at Will. "How old are you?" He asked, making me question whether he had listened to the story or not.

"Seventeen.... What does that have to do with-"

"And Sally started work at the castle seven years ago..." his eyes widened. "You had to put up with that when you were ten?!"

I winced. "Nine. She must've been jobless for a year..."

His jaw dropped. "What other things happened?"

I thought for a few minutes. All the things I thought of I either didn't trust him enough to tell him or I had swore I would never tell anyone.


I could tell he didn't believe me but he didn't push. He turned around and whispered something to the guards, who dispersed silently. I gave him a grateful look.

"But, Nico, before you go, I want you to meet me by the castle as soon as the sun starts to go up. I want to heal your arm. Until then, get some rest, okay?"

I stared at him. "Are you serious?"


"You're the prince. And I'm the thief. Do you not see a problem here?"

He sighed, "If I wanted to kill you I could've in the woods."

"And what about your dad and the guards?"

"I'll take care of the guards, and my dad won't be roaming around at sunrise."

I shook my head. "How do I know this isn't a trap though? If I get caught again, I think Bianca will actually murder me."

Will sighed. "Maybe I could give you something of mine and you give it back when you see there are no guards."

"Will. We'd be right next to the castle. The guards live there right? Don't you have a base there? Because then you could just call on them once I give it back to you."

Will threw his hands up, exasperated. "Then you'll just have to trust me because there's nothing else I can do."

I sighed.

Will looked at me hopefully, "So will you be there?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I've got to go."

"Fine. But think about it okay?"


So I'm on my phone and it doesn't let my do bold or italic writing.

How'd you like it?

Word count: 937 words

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