Chapter Four

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The next morning, Bianca came into my room looking pale. "Nico, the bread you got has mold on it. We can't eat it."

"Okay, I'll go back out today."

She nodded and left. An hour later, I was heading out the door.

If I had thought there were a lot of soldiers yesterday, there were twice as many today. I sighed and made my way to the bread stand. I carefully looked a loaf over and then put it in my satchel.

"Hey! Are you gonna pay for that?"

Oh no...

I tried sprinted back home but I soon felt the soldiers' hands on me and knew I was caught. I decided to pretend to not be afraid.

"Let me go." I growled. They didn't answer and instead shoved me in a carriage and a few moments later I felt it start moving. We were going to the castle.

When we arrived, the guards pushed me through a big gold gate and through the palace doors. We stopped in the foyer. I felt handcuffs being put on my wrists. One of the guards left to go fetch the king, and a moment later they rushed through the doors with the prince behind them. Hate was practically radiating off Apollo, and curiosity with the prince.

"Well, well, well. We finally caught you." He said.

Not for long, I thought.

"Oh, I guess I should introduce you to Prince William."

I smiled mischievously and did a little bow, "Pleasure to meet you."

Four of the guards left, leaving only two to hold me there. Were they purposely trying to let me escape or did they just have really bad security?

"You've been causing lots of trouble in the kingdom, young man." The king said.

"I know."

"Why do you steal things?" Prince William asked.

"Why do you care? It won't matter once you've killed me."

"Well, how do you know we would kill you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's what you do to thieves, right? It won't be different for me." Unless I escape.

The king interrupted us. "Well you're a special case. You've caused so much trouble that I decided you should have to pay the kingdom back. You will work as a servant here in the castle."

I didn't say anything so he continued.

"Because of this I've decided to give you a tour of the castle."

The other two guards wandered off. I decided they just had really bad security.

I started messing with the handcuffs they had put on me. It shouldn't be too hard to get them off and then it's just a matter of getting out of the castle.

King Apollo started walking and I knew I was supposed to follow him. "As you've probably noticed, we have the best and most updated security in the world, meaning you have absolutely zero chance of escape." He put extra emphasis on the last part. I wondered if it was true that they had the best security or not. It seemed fake; I could easily escape if I wanted. Does that mean I could escape from anyone and anything?

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. It would make me be less cautious and that isn't what I need.

I heard a faint click! And felt the handcuffs loosen. I had gotten out of them. I shoved them in my satchel, which the guards hadn't taken away from me. Best security, eh?

Will dropped back a bit to talk to me. Schist, he heard the handcuffs come off! "You got the handcuffs off?" He whispered.

I just grinned.

"I saw you the other day."

"I know, I thought you were gonna tell your dad you saw me."

Will smiled at me and was about to reply when his dad snapped, "What are you boys talking about?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just telling him he lives in a very beautiful castle."

"Oh yes, I suppose it is quite pretty. What do you like most about it?"

I reached down into my satchel and wrapped my fingers around the handcuffs. "The lack of security." I scooped the handcuffs out of the bag and threw them straight for King Apollo. It wouldn't hurt him, but it might buy me some time.

I turned around and started running towards the way we came. I made it through the doors but the gate outside was closed so I started to climb it.

"GET HIM!" I heard the king yell. I looked below me and saw a hundred soldiers rush out the door only to see me reach the top of the gate and jump over it. I saw the prince come out and was surprised to see him grinning.

"HE'S GETTING AWAY! CATCH HIM, YOU FOOLS!" The king bellowed and the soldiers started to scale the gate.

I got away easily. Real good security they've got, I thought, smiling as I sprinted away.

Hey everyone... I should work on actually writing new chapters instead of posting the ones I had already written... but everyone is being so active on Wattpad right now and I want to be active too...

Anyway. Tell me what you thought.

Also tell me what you think of Nico because I need to know if I should continue portraying him like this or slowly ease into a different personality... I don't know. Tell me what you think of both him and Will. Thanks!

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