Chapter Twenty-Three

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Warning: I was tired while writing this chapter and all the other chapters I will post today. If they're cringey, don't judge.


That day went by quickly. King Apollo said I would officially become his servant tomorrow evening, after I got all my stuff out of my old house and brought them to my room in the castle.

Which means I had about one day with Will to do whatever we wanted without worrying about his dad. However, neither of us were in the mood to go anywhere. We were too busy worrying about what the king would make me do.

"We could take a walk in the woods." I offered.

"No, I've done that before. I want to do something different."

"I could take you to my house."

"Maybe. What would we do there?"

"I could start packing for tomorrow. We could probably find something to eat."

"Yeah, okay. Let's just go there."

"Alright. Follow me." I led him out of the castle, through the woods and marketplace (which was a mess. People kept trying to get Will to buy things and they kept yelling things at me...) and finally took a road that led to my house.

My home looked exactly the same. Even though it seemed like there was a hurricane going on around me that was taking everything I loved, this was still standing. Still the same.

I nervously made my way up to the door. What would Will think of it? It probably looked like a piece of trash compared to the castle. But surely he expected this, right?

I opened the door. It creaked, just like always.

I stepped inside. It seemed so empty without Bianca. I took a few more steps inside and then turned into Bianca's room.

Just a few days ago she had been upset that I couldn't have a future, but I had calmed her down and she went to bed. It seemed like so long ago.

I had been caught that day, and I had wondered if my last words to her would be "Goodnight, Bianca. I love you." I thought I'd end up dead.

Little did I know, it would be the other way around.

I felt Will wrap his arm around me. "Was this her room?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. It was."

He nodded but stayed silent.

I suddenly got an idea. "She said she left me a note. I want to find it."

I left her room and went into mine. There wasn't anything in there so I moved to the kitchen. On the counter there was a piece of paper.

I picked it up.

Dear Nico,

        By the time you read this, I'll already be gone. I'm so sorry, but I have to do this. I have to leave. I want to have a future, and you were right. I can have one. I've decided to go to a different kingdom where I won't be known as the thief's sister and can get a job. If I thought I could survive on the food you bring and still get a job when I'm older, I wouldn't do this. Now you can eat all the food you steal, not just some of it, and I can have a future. I'll miss you.

I hope to see you again,

I read the note several times. This was the last thing I have of her. I wanted to memorize it and never forget it.

I put the note down when I was sure that I had memorized it. Then I tried to focus on getting anything I wanted to take to the castle.

I went up to my room, deciding that I'd have the most stuff there. Will explored my room while I put things in my rucksack (rutchel).

"What's this?" He asked. I turned to look at him and found that's he was holding my sketchbook.

"Oh. I've had that for awhile. It's just a sketchbook. You can look through it if you want." I went back to looking through my things. When I finished, I had picked out two outfits, my skull ring (Bianca gave it to me), and the Hades figurine. I was going to take my notebook when Will was done looking through it.

I turned back to him.

"You're a really good artist."


He flipped to the next page and saw it was the castle I had drawn.

"Wow. When did you draw this?"

"I don't know. Not too long ago."

He flipped the page. It was the picture of the king holding the handcuffs.

Will frowned, but flipped the page again. This one was empty but had a piece of it missing. Bianca probably used it for the note.

"Is that all you've drawn?"

"Yeah. I knew I wouldn't be able to afford another notebook so I was trying to use that one carefully."

He nodded. "That makes sense." He handed me the notebook back.

I put it in my rucksack and said, "Lets see if we can find anything to eat."


I went to the kitchen but stopped in the doorway. "Wait. I won't have any food. The bread would've gotten stale now and I don't have anything else."

"Maybe you could steal something." He said. I looked up at him. He seemed excited.

"Won't your dad get mad?"

"That never stopped you before. Besides, If we go back to the castle then we'll have to put up with him there and I don't want to-"

"Fine. I'll do something just this once. But this will be my last time."

"Yes!" He grinned at me.

Just one more time couldn't hurt, right? If it was for him?

Yaaaaaay another chapter.

Word count: 935 words

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