Chapter Twenty-One

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Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.


I don't even know what this chapter is. I think I lost the alien that took over my body for a week.


When I woke up, my head was resting on Will's chest and his arm was around me. I blinked. I didn't remember going to sleep... maybe I was too tired for my brain to remember it.

I looked up at Will. He was snoring softly and I smiled a bit. He didn't strike me as someone who would snore. He pulled me closer to him in his sleep. I smiled and just let him. I wondered if he would do this if he was awake, too, or if it was just because he didn't realize it was me because he was asleep.

I snuggled even closer to him, if that was possible. I looked back up at Will. He was smiling, though his eyes were still closed.

"Good morning, Sunshine."

I scowled, "First Neeks and now Sunshine?"

"I think they're both good for you."

"I think you're going insane."

He opened his eyes. "Maybe everyone else is insane and I'm the only sane one."

I shook my head, smiling. "Whatever. I have to get home soon to tell-" I blinked. Did I really have to go home? It's not like I had many possessions there, and Bianca's gone...

I blinked away tears.

Will sat up, causing me to sit up as well. He hugged me and said, "Shhh, it'll all be okay."

I started shaking with sobs, crying into his shirt. He held me close to him and it helped to comfort me. "Sh-she's dead..."

"I know. It'll be okay. We can get through this."

"I-I want her back..."

"I know. They haven't been fair to you. I'm so sorry..."

I didn't say anything. Losing her hurt so much...

He rubbed circles into my back, which calmed me down a little, but soon things just got worse.

It's your fault she's dead. Schist. She risked her life to give her a present and you were so weak, you couldn't save her from her death. She hated you so much, she tried leaving you. You relied on her so much that once she was gone you passed out. You don't deserve her. This can't be true... You don't deserve Will, either. He helped you escape so many times and you couldn't have done it without him. He healed you when you failed to fight his father. He was willing to help you save Bianca. And then when you thought he was dead, you didn't untie yourself from the chair or take off the blindfold. What if he would've been dead and needed healing? That's true... I should've helped him... You would've just let him lay there when he needed help. You rely on him just as much as Bianca, if not more...

(Guys, this might be one of the longest paragraphs in the history of my writing....)

There was so much for the voice to say and I didn't know how to stop it from saying it. I whimpered, "No... stop..."

Will thought I was talking to him and pulled away, "Are you okay? What did I do?"

"N-Not you... the voices..."

Will pulled me close again. "Don't listen to them. It'll be okay. It wasn't your fault."

"I-I'm sorry, Will. Yesterday, w-when they p-pretended to kill you, I-I didn't do anything, if you w-would've been dying, and needed help-"

"Nico, stop it. It wasn't your fault. They told you if you took off the blindfold or untied yourself, they'd kill me. And they would've. So if you would've taken them off, I wouldn't be here right now."

I sniffled. "And Bianca died trying to give the figurine to me-"

"No. It wasn't your fault. You didn't tell her to bring the figurine, and you didn't order my dad to kill her. Don't try putting this on yourself, Nico. Please."

I shook my head. "I should've saved her, at least..."

"My dad didn't really show signs of attacking her until she was already dead. Nico, I'm so sorry."

He seemed to say that a lot.

"I don't know, Will..."

"I do know. It wasn't your fault. Nothing that has happened lately was your fault..."

I sniffed, "Thanks Will. For everything."

He smiled and gently kissed my forehead, making me smile as well, just a little.

"You're feeling okay now?" Will checked, just to make sure.

I nodded. "Thanks to you."

"Okay, then let's go get breakfast. You're probably hungry."

What even is this chapter

I don't even know anymore

And I no longer have plans

Maybe I can work in some of those left-out ideas...

Okay bye

Word count: 820 words

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