Chapter Five

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He was amazing. He worked so smoothly and got away so easily...

I think that was the most fun I've had in my entire life.

Plus, he acted like he had been doing this his entire life. I smiled as I imagined how exciting that would be. Then I imagined how much he must hate royalty and my smile melted away. I tried to convince myself that if he hated me then he would've been rude to me, but I wouldn't believe it.

I watched as he climbed over the gate and jumped down to the other side. Then he started sprinting away. I was vaguely aware of my dad occasionally yelling things and the soldiers climbing the gate but all I could think about was that I wanted to follow him. I wanted to be like him.

I started running towards the gate and climbed up it faster than everyone else. I was the first one on the other side, other than-

I still didn't know his name. I'll just call him Boy.

I was the first one on the other side, other than Boy.

I started running in the direction I saw him going and heard a few more soldiers running behind me.

If I told them to stop chasing him, would they?

"I demand you to stop!" I told them. To my satisfaction, they did.

I kept chasing after him but was soon caught in a huge crowd of people. I could see Boy running towards a neighborhood but the crowd was trying to get my attention.

"Prince William! Come over here!"

"Come buy something!"

"Would you like some jewels?"

"Wait, stop, Prince William!"

I saw Boy freeze when he heard someone yell that. He looked behind him and saw me desperately trying to reach him. He hesitated, not quite knowing whether he should keep running or not.

I called out, "Wait!"

Everyone in the crowd stopped. It seemed like the world was holding its breath. They all turned towards Boy, who paled.

"Hey! That kid looks like the boy on the "wanted" sign!" Someone yelled, breaking the silence.

"You're right! It's the thief!"

I started panicking as I realized he was going to get caught again and it'd be my fault. From the looks of it, Boy was panicking too.

The crowd charged after him. "HE'S MINE!" "I SAW HIM FIRST!" "THAT REWARD IS MINE!" "GIVE HIM TO ME!"  I pushed through the crowd and saw Boy being fought over.

"EVERYONE STOP!" I yelled. They all froze and let go of Boy, causing him to fall. I helped him up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

A girl pushed through the crowd with tears sliding down her face. "Nico! You're back!"

His name is Nico. I noted.

He tensed. "Bianca..."

She pulled him into a hug. "I was so worried. You've been gone for so long! It usually only takes you an hour or so! Do you realize how long you've been gone?! Five hours! I told you not to get caught!"


"Come on. We're going home."

"But I-"

"Come on."

"Wait!" I said. "I-I wanted to talk to Nico."

She glared at me, "Haven't you caused enough damage? Leave him alone."

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get him almost caught..."

She snorted. "Yeah right. It's not like you despise us or anything." She said sarcastically.

"I don't..."

"Whatever. Leave us alone." She took his hand and led him away. I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly pushed it away.

I didn't have what they had and never would. But at the same time, they didn't have what I had, either.

"Bianca, it's okay, he really didn't mean any harm. He just didn't know..." his voice faded away.

The crowd continued trying to get my attention.

"Look over here!"

"Buy some of our fish!"

"No, buy some of my bread!"

"We have eggs!"

"We have diamonds!"

"Would you like a ring?"

"Come over here!"

I finally pushed my way through the crowd and ran back to the castle. I had caused enough trouble for today. I didn't need to cause more.

Stealing Your Heart {Solangelo Royalty AU}Where stories live. Discover now