Chapter Sixteen

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What am I doing with my life. What chapter will this be? I think it's my ninth in two days.

I never update like this!


-CatDogG- is probably groaning right now because of the updates.

Ah, well, that's okay.


Will's expression turned to horror. "H-he wouldn't actually make me would he?"

"I think you'll have to try to convince him not to."

"How do I do that?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Maybe I could give him something?"

"If you do that, don't give him anything too valuable."


"Because he could always end up killing me later, after you've given it to him."

He bit his lip. "Maybe I could make another promise? One that's less dumb that this one?"


"And what if he doesn't listen?"

"Then we'll have to wing it."

"Wing it?! Your life is on the line! I'm not going to wing it! We need a fully-thought-out plan!"

I smiled a bit at his concern. "I'll be okay."

After a while of silence I said, "Or maybe you should just do it."


I looked up at him. "You're going to make me say it?"

He didn't reply so I sighed.

"Because I'm worthless, that's why."

His expression turned to shock and then anger. "Why would you say that?!"

"It's true."

He was about to say something but we suddenly stopped. There was a hooded figure in front of us. I gasped.

It was Bianca.

"Move in the name of the king!"

She slowly turned around but didn't show anyone her face. Will tensed like he was ready to protect me if needed.

"I need to tell one of your prisoners something."

"Well, what is it?" King Apollo asked impatiently.

"I got you something." She tossed me a small figurine. I caught it. It looked like Hades. I smiled at it and looked up at her curiously. Where had she gotten this?

I noticed a piece of paper taped to the bottom. It was in Bianca's handwriting:

      I still have to go. I'm still leaving. But I remembered when you were five you had those mythomagic figurine. I found the only one you didn't have yet. I got it for you.


I sighed. She was still leaving. This didn't change anything.

"Who are you?" King Apollo asked suspiciously.

"I'm his sister, Bianca."

It all happened so quickly I didn't realize what was going on until it was done.

The king charged forward with his knife out and brought it down on her side. Neither of us had time to scream.

But when King Apollo stepped away with a bloody knife and my sister was dead on the ground my brain finally began to process it.

"You killed her." I said quietly, then all the anger built up inside me and I screamed it, "YOU KILLED HER!"

I pulled my knife out of my bag and put all my fear and anger and sadness and jealousy into my energy, giving me adrenaline. I ran at King Apollo, ignoring the pain shooting up my leg every time I took a step. For a second, King Apollo looked terrified. I held my knife to his throat.

"You killed my sister."

"Now, now, calm down-"

"Calm down?! I'm supposed to calm down?! You just killed the only person I had left!"

Will didn't pull me back. He knew I wouldn't actually kill his father. However, he did not know how close I was to actually murdering him.

"If you ever hurt anyone I love again, I won't hesitate to kill you." I put my knife back.

My hands were shaking from so many emotions that when I walked back to Will and he took one of them he looked at me worriedly. "Are you alright?" Then he winced, remembering the last time he asked if I was alright. I had blown up at him.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

No you're not. You want your sister back. You're just too much of a coward to admit it. No wonder she left. She hated you and so does Will. You're nothing to the kingdom...

I put my hands over my ears instinctively to stop the cruel words. But since they were inside my head, it didn't do anything. "No no no no no..."

King Apollo laughed, "Look! He's gone insane." Will sent him a glare like, don't make me finish what Nico started to do.

"Neeks are okay? What's wrong?"

You're insane. Even the king agrees. You're hearing voices. You're insane.

I shook my head, trying to rid it of the voices. It didn't work.

"Nico, please, talk to me..."

Then there was a different voice. A new one. Will cares about you.

Bianca might not have, but Will does.

He won't leave you.

I took a shaky breath. The other voices started again. Yes he will. He hates you.

Then I heard the nice voice quote Will, "Well for one thing I think you're brave."

I took another breath. I could do this. I had Will and for now that's all that matters. I have someone.

I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears. I did it. I got rid of the voices.

Will relaxed. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I am now."

...I really hate this chapter. Like, I really hate it. A lot.

Oh well. It's too bad for a bit of editing to fix.

Word count: 906 words

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