Chapter Eight

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Another chapter posted for you guys to read!


That whole thing with my dad sending me into town? It was all a lie. I just wanted to be able to see Nico again. My dad did know I was going into town, but he didn't know why. He's the reason that I brought a guard. He made me.

I smiled at the ground as I walked away from Nico.

He was pretty cute to be honest. I bet most people would disagree with me, but they were just seeing his reputation. I thought about how he had "threatened" me with the knife, but I knew he wouldn't actually hurt me with it. Probably.

"Prince William, what on Earth are you smiling about?"

"What? Oh, um, nothing."

"Is it something the thief said? Are you making plans with him? Prince William, is there something I need to tell your father?"

"No, really, it's nothing." I sighed. "C'mon. Let's go back to the castle."

"But we just got out here..."

"I have done what I needed. Let's go."

We started heading back to the castle but then I heard a yelp and a shout. I started sprinting in that direction. What's going on?! I thought. I froze when I saw Nico ahead of me with a knife to his throat. I looked at the person who held the knife. "Dad?!"

Nico looked up at me, panicked.

"I should've done this when you were at the castle."

Nico's breathing quickened and his eyes widened.

"Dad, stop!"

He looked up at me. "Why do you want this little thief roaming the earth? Let's kill him so the village won't have to put up with him anymore." He looked back down to Nico. "No one will miss you."

I ran over and pushed my dad. He dropped the knife so I picked it up. I frowned. It had the same design as Nico's knife. "Nico, is this yours?"

He took a shaky breath, "Y-yeah. It is."

"Here." I handed it to him and he took it and put it back in his rucksack.

My dad got up, mud now covering his legs. He was shaking with rage. I pulled Nico back so he wouldn't be in the line of fire.

He glared at me, an evil look in his eye. "You have no idea what you just did. I will kill him eventually... you'll see. But you've just made it worse for him. Next time, I'll kill him slowly and painfully instead of slitting his throat like I was going to."

"I won't let you." I said, glaring back.

"You won't be able to stop me." Then he called for the guard that I had brought with me and left.

Nico tapped my shoulder. When I looked back at him, he was looking at the ground.

"Hey... um, thanks for helping me. I don't know how I would've gotten out of that one."

"You're welcome. I'm sorry that had to happen to you."

Nico was about to say something when his eyes widened. "Schist! Bianca's going to kill me!"

I laughed. "Well, I guess I should head back to the castle. My dad's already mad at me, I don't want to make him madder."

"Yeah, okay. See you around. Maybe." Then he pulled his hood up and started sprinting back in the direction of the village. I went the other way back to the castle.

This is really short! It's barely even 600 words. Wow. Anyway, tell me if you liked it! Okay. I guess that's all for now.

Did I do a word count in the other chapters? Oh well.

Word count: 612 words

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