Chapter Twenty-Eight

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PPOV [Piper's POV]

How was I supposed to find out why she steals things? I didn't know where she lived (that'd be creepy), I just know she lives in Matahari (I think that was the name of their kingdom? Maybe?). I don't even know if she'll ever steal anything again. Maybe it was a one-time thing.

I sighed as I stared down at the newspapers that had gotten me in so much trouble earlier today. Why hadn't the king and guards believed me? Were they so incredibly ignorant that they believe there can only be one problem in the kingdom? Or did they just misunderstand something?

The fact that they tried putting me in the dungeon for knowing there was a second thief was going to make it a whole lot harder to find out why she's stealing things.

I really wanted to find out, though. If anything, I wanted the thief to know that I believed him when he said they had reasons for stealing things.

Then it hit me: What was his reasoning for stealing things?

I bit my lip. Maybe I could do some investigations.

I stood up from my desk, grabbing a notebook and pencil. Surely someone in the marketplace knew why one of them stole things.

I put on a jacket since it was getting cold out and went outside. I immediately wondered if I should've put on a coat instead. There was a bit of snow falling, but it was really the wind that made it colder.

I shivered and kept going. I didn't want to waste any time going back to get warmer clothes.

I first went to the bread-stand owner because I knew both of the thieves have stole from him.

"Hi, I'm Piper-"

"Do you want to buy something?" The guy asked.

" I just wanted to ask you a question-"

"You wanna trade then?"

"No. I just have to ask you about-"

"You want to steal something then!" He grabbed my arm and raised it in the air.


I put my hand (the one that he wasn't holding) over his mouth. "I just want to ask you about the thieves that have stole from you. I'm doing a report on them."

He still looked suspicious but let go of me. "Well what questions do you have?"

"One, which direction did they run in when they finished stealing?"

"That way." He pointed.

"For... both of them?"


I scribbled that down in my notebook.

"Okay.... Do you know why they stole from you?"

"Attention. Everyone knows that."

I bit my lip. "Is there any other possible reason they would do it?"


I sighed. "I might have to go to somewhere else then. Sor-"


I turned around to see what was happening.

It was Hazel!

I tried to push my way to her, but there was a guy that was even more desperate to get to her than I was, so I let him through first. He mumbled a thank you and kept going.

When I finally got to her, she had managed to get away, holding the hand of the boy I had seen earlier. I started running in the direction the man had told me but soon got lost. I was in a neighborhood, but how would someone that can't afford an apple be able to afford a house? I must've done something wrong.

I turned around, disappointed. I'd just have to ask more merchants. Maybe they knew more about the two thieves.

Word count: 600 words

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