Horror Movies

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Horror Movies:

Y/N: Where are you guys?!?!?

Peyton: I'm on my way

Rowan: I'm just around the corner

Corey: I'm leaving the house!!

Sabrina: I'm outside your apartment munchkin!

Me: Hurry up!!!!

The others thought of having throwing a movie at my apartment on a Friday night. I said yes.

I rushed to the front door and opened it to reveal Sabrina carrying a back pack.

"Hi munchkin!!" I greeted her and jumped in her arm wrapping my legs around her waist. She instantly placed her hands on my thigh to keep me in place.

"We just saw each other like 2 hours ago. Miss me already?" she asked with a smirk. "I miss you every second of everyday" I replied.

She walked inside my apartment, shutting the door using her foot then sits down on the couch with me on her lap.

"What movie are we watching?" she asks me. "I don't know. We should wait for the others" I replied. "What food are we having?" she asked.

"Pizza, hamburgers, muffins, ice creams, French fries, fried chickens, churros--"

"You made that all just now?" Sabrina asked. I giggled. "No! Three of my friends spent the night here last night and I asked them to help me make some food for us" I explained.

Someone knocked on the door. I was about to get up when Sabrina pulled me back on her lap. "It's open!!" she shouted.

"You know I could've just opened it right?" I smiled. "Yeah but I don't want you to leave me. You're too comfy!" Sabrina said.

The door swung open and there we saw the others. "Took you long enough" I said. "Yeah. Me and Y/N just finished having sex" Sabrina joked. I immediately turn my eyes towards her and slapped her arm as she was laughing.

"What?!? You're pregnant? Oh my God, I call to be the aunt of the child!!" Rowan cheered. "I call to be an uncle!" both Corey and Peyton shouted. "Jinx!" they say again. "You owe me a soda!!" Peyton said.

Corey groaned in defeat and handed ten dollars to him. "Guys guys guys! Relax, it was just a joke" Sabrina said. "Awww" they pouted.

"What are we watching?" Corey asked. Peyton and Corey rushed to my DVD sets to look for a movie.

Us girls went to my room and changed into our pjs.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and applied lip balm on my lips. We walked out of my room and saw the boys fighting over my remote. Sabrina jumped in on them and grabbed the control.

"Carpenter!" Peyton shouted and tried to grab the remote. "No!" Sabrina shouted back.

Me and Rowan rolled our eyes and walked to the kitchen. We ate a few fries and chips before taking all of our food in the living room, in front of the coffee table.

We settled down on the couch. "What's the movie?" Rowan asked. Corey was at the end of the couch, then Rowan and Peyton. Me and Sabrina settled on my other couch next to theirs which is smaller.

Before Corey could reply Annabelle's face popped in the screen making me and Rowan scream. I jumped into Sabrina's arm, Rowan into Peyton's.

"You choose a horror movie?!?" me and Rowan exclaimed. "Yeah?" Corey replied. "Why?!" I asked. "Yeah why?! You could've picked Lion King or Frozen!" Rowan added.

"Come on! Those movies are lame! You'll be fine, you two have your girlfriend and boyfriend with you while all I have is a pillow!" Corey shouted.

Half way through the movie I was clutching onto Sabrina's arm. We had a bowl of popcorn for us and another bowl of popcorn for Rowan, Corey and Peyton.

When a scary scene popped up, me and Rowan screamed. I threw the bowl of popcorn away and hugged Sabrina, using her to shield my eyes from the screen. Sabrina patted my head as I heard her awe. "This isn't something to be ‘awwing’ about Sabby!" I said.

"I know but yours too cute. You get all cuddly with me" Sabrina said.

"If you wanna cuddle you could've just said so!"

*Time Skip*

1:56 am

We watched four horror movies to be exact. Annabelle, The Conjuring 1 & 2 and Poltergeist. After that u was shivering.

We already finished half of our food. After watching those movie, me and Rowan begged to watch something else. They gladly let us watch The Chronicles Of Narnia (A/N: I love this so much! Peter Pevensie is so cute!).

It was around 2:15 when we went to bed. We moved the couches to the corner and set blankets on the floor. We grabbed pillows and fell asleep. I was asleep in Sabrina's arms which always makes me feel safe.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too munchkin" I replied and pecked her lips before falling asleep.





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