Coffee Shop

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Coffee Shop:

I walked inside Starbucks Coffee Shop and walked up to the cashier.

"Good morning ma'am! What can I get you for today?" the worker asked. "Can I have a Grande sized Java chip, please?" I replied politely. "Okay. One Grande Java chip" he wrote it down and I payed him.

I sat by the window and let out a sigh. Today at school I'm gonna have a quiz in Social Studies and an exam in Spanish class. It's stressing me off and there were lots of times when I wish I didn't pick that class.

I rested my chin on my hand and wished time would go slow.

The door opened but I didn't bother to look at who just walked in. I pulled out my phone and saw a message from one of my friends.

From: (Y/F/N)
Ready for the group study? Meet us at the library, okay?

I sighed and typed back.

To: (Y/F/N)
Sure. Whatever.

I put my phone on the table.

"Grande sized Java chip" the waiter announced. I stood up and walked towards the counter, but nearly bumped into someone. "Oh my God! I am so sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"No no, it's fine. Don't worry about it" I heard a female voice reply. Looking up, I saw the most beautiful blonde girl I've ever seen. Sabrina Carpenter.

"Hi uhm... Y/N, right?" she asks. "Y-yeah. How did you know?" I replied nervously. "I have majority of my classes with you" Sabrina replied with a giggle as well.

Sabrina Carpenter is one of the popular crowd. She's friends with Rowan Blanchard, Peyton Meyer and Corey Fogelmanis. They're super nice and everything.

"Oh yeah right. Sorry" I replied. I walked up to the counter to get my drink. I grabbed a straw and pushed it through the lid of my drink.
I walked back to my seat and Sabrina was following me. "Is it okay if I sit with you?" she asks as she pointed towards the empty sit in front of me. I shook my head, "No, go ahead"

She sat in front of me. "Trouble in class?" she asks once she noticed my tired state. I nodded with a small smile. "Yeah I have an exam in Spanish class and a quiz in Social Studies" I replied.

"Oh thank God, I didn't take that class" Sabrina let out a sigh of relief. I pretended to me offended, "Hey! Don't make me realize that I never should've taken the stupid class" and let out a laugh. She laughed as well, "Corey forced me to take Social Studies and I'm so happy I didn't listen to him"

"Not meaning to be a stalker but I've always watched you wherever you go. I always follow you whenever you go to the library, to all your classes and everything" Sabrina admitted. "Why?" I asked in shock. Why would she be interested in me? Why is she stalking me? We barely know each other, we just talked now. A lot of students are seriously gonna be jealous of me.

"You actually caught my attention two years ago. I always wanted to talk to you or at least ask you to have lunch with my friends but I got shy and literally chickened out. I have no idea what to say or do once I'm in front of you... I think I like you" Sabrina said as she tried so hard not to stutter which I find so adorable. I sat there in shock as I repeated her last words in my head.

"Oh Sabrina... I don't know what to say...." I honesty don't know what to reply. I mean, I  saw her stare at me during class or whenever we pass by each other in the hallway but I never expected she'd feel something towards me. was so shock.

"Okay so... How about we forget what I just said. Why don't we start as friends" she extended her hand towards me. "Friends?"

She seems sincere to all she said. I don't know anything about her so who am I to judge. Getting to know Sabrina isn't going to be a bad thing, right?

I shook her hand with a smile. "Friends"


The end!

Sabrina Carpenter Imagines [#Wattys2019]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें