Carpenter Fam

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Carpenter Fam:

I paced around my room while biting my nails and I was sweating like crazy. "Y/N, don't stress yourself too much. They're just Sabrina's parents" my sister, (Y/S/N), said. "They're Sabrina's parents!! That's why I'm a nervous wreck!! What if you're about to meet your lover's parents? Don't you feel nervous, like what if they won't accept me? And I haven't picked an outfit yet!!" I said and began panicking even more.

Sabrina told me a few days ago that I'll be meeting her parents. She already met mine and now I have to meet hers. We've been dating for three months.

(Y/S/N) walked over to my closet and scanned my clothes. She pulled out a blue dress that reached my knees and long sleeves. "Thanks sis" I smiled at her.

"Okay! I'm doing your hair and make up" she said. I sat in front of the mirror and she got her make up supplies. She puts light make up on me and lip balm.

After that she tied my hair into a fishtail braid and picked up black heels. "Thanks (Y/S/N). You're the best" I said and gave her a hug.

We heard the doorbell ring and I knew it was Sabrina. "Oh my God!! Wish me luck!!" I squealed.

We ran down the stairs and saw mom and dad talking to Sabrina about curfews and stuffs. "Mom, dad. Stop it, you're scaring Sabrina with your protectiveness!" I pouted. I ran up to Sabrina and kisses her cheek.

"Hi honey" she greets me. We said goodbye to our parents and went to Sabrina's van. "You look great baby girl" she told me.

"Thanks. I can say the same to you" I smiled. The driver drove back to Sabrina's house. I was nervous the whole ride as I was shaking.

Sabrina held my hand and kissed it. "They'll love you baby. I promise. If they won't, then it's their lost" Sabrina assured me. I nodded. Throughout the whole ride Sabrina kissed my head and cheek a couple of times and squeeze my hand to calm me down.

We finally arrived her parent's house and we got out. Sabrina knocked on the door and a girl older than her answered it.

"Hi Sarah!" Sabrina greeted her. "Hi Sab! Oh my gosh, is she Y/N? She looks more beautiful in person. Hi I'm Sarah" Sabrina's sister said as she pulled me for a hug.

"Hi Sarah. Sabrina's been telling me a lot about you" I replied. "Mom and dad are going to love you!!" Sarah squealed before dragging us inside.

We went to the kitchen were we saw Mrs Carpenter preparing the table. "Hi mom, hi dad" Sabrina greeted her parents. "Sabrina! Welcome home!" they gave her a hug and kissed her.

When they finally recognized me, they smiled. "Hello. Sabrina is this Y/N? The girl you've always been talking about?" her dad asks.

"Yes dad. This is Y/N L/N" Sabrina said. "Welcome to the family Y/N!" they cheered.

I smiled at them. They led us to the table where we're having lasagna. "This food tastes so good Mrs Carpenter" I said as I ate more while trying to be like a lady.

"I love her lasagna so much. I begged her to make it when you'll be meeting them" Sabrina said. I smiled.

Her parents asked me questions and they easily warmed up to me.


"Bye mom, bye dad. I'll be back next month" Sabrina said as we waved at ten goodbye. "Bye Sabrina, bye Y/N" her father said. "Bring Y/N the next time you visit!!" her mom shouted which made me giggle.

"See? I told you they'll love you!" Sabrina said and I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah. Thanks, I love you"

"I love you too"

Sabrina Carpenter Imagines [#Wattys2019]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang