How We Met

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How We Met:

Sabrina's POV

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!!" I scream as I pulled Riley's blanket off of her, as well as mine, and I started climbing out of her bay window.

"Wait!!" Riley protested and stood up from where she was seated. I quickly stopped when I heard her voice and groaned.

"Something's..." she began as I continued groaning in agony. "...Wrong"

"No!!" I groaned as I looked at her. She turn to her side and gasped, "Barry the Bear bear! He's gone!"

"Come on, that stupid bear has been hanging on by a thread for years! How is this a problem?" I asked. "I had him all of my life, Maya. Where is he? We have to find him" Riley began to panic.

"Barry" she cried.

"Bobble-head" I cried.

"And cut!!!" our director screamed.

I let out a sigh of relief. Rowan settled down on the seat next to me by the bay window.

"That was amazing girls! Great job let's just take a break and we'll continue in about an hour or two, okay?" our director told us.

We nodded and took off to our dressing room where we saw Corey and Peyton with (H/C) hair. They looked at us and I got lost in the unknown girl sitting next to Peyton.

"Hi boys. Who's she?" Rowan spoke before I can. "Oh! Sabrina, Rowan this is Y/N, my cousin. Y/N these are my friends, Rowan Blanchard and Sabrina Carpenter" Peyton introduced us.

"Oh so you're the Y/N Peyton and Corey had been yapping about these past few days" I said. I extended my hand towards her direction. "Hey I'm Sabrina" I smiled.

She shook my hand. "Hi nice to meet you" I felt sparks when our hands touched. It felt like it's just the two of us in the world and my heart was beating fast like crazy.

We stared at each other's eyes and I got lost in her green once. Everything just had to stop when Corey coughed behind us. If it was just me and him I would have strangled him to death already!!

Okay I have this thing for Y/N ever since Peyton and Corey started talking about her, which was two weeks ago. They kept going on about how nice, cute, funny and beautiful Y/N is. They didn't showed us a pic of her and I kept searching her all over the internet but I didn't find her.

When Corey and Peyton told us that Y/N was hot, I didn't really expect she'd be this hot.

"Where do you wanna eat couz? My treat" Peyton spoke. Oh yeah it's already 12:15 and the director gave us two hours to eat lunch and chat and rest.

Corey, Rowan and I cheered. "Only to my dear cousin!!" Peyton quickly added and it made us whine like kids.

Y/N giggled. Oh God her giggle is so adorable!!

"Thanks?" Y/N smiled nervously. "Oh my God, did I say that out loud?" I asked as I was rubbing the back of my neck. Everyone nodded. "Yeah. You kinda did, Sab" Rowan patted my shoulder.

Rowan knows about my huge liking towards Peyton's cousin and I was thankful when she promised she wouldn't tell anyone. Although I think Corey suspected a bit because he is smirking at me right now.

"Come on let's go eat. I'm starving!" Y/N said. We walked towards our can and got it. I sat at the last row in the van and pulled out my phone and just had a little me time.

After a few minutes, someone sat next to me. I looked up and my heart beat accelerated and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Hi Sabrina!! How's it going" Y/N greeted cheerfully with a small wave.

"Hi Y/N" I said back. I looked in front of us and saw Rowan smirking at me, but hid it when Peyton started talking to her.

"You okay back here, Sabrina? You seemed lonely" Y/N said with a concern tone of voice which I found was so sweet.

"I'm fine, Y/N" I smiled at her. "So tell me something about you, Sabrina. I wanna get to know you" the (H/C) haired beauty told me. "I mean, I already know a few about Rowan and since Peyton and Corey have been hanging out a lot, I know a lot about the boy genius"

"You first... What's your full name?" Sabrina asked. "Y/N Meyer" I answered. "Sabrina Ann Lynn Carpenter"

"Birthday?" I asked. "May 11, 1999" Sabrina said. "(Birthday)"

And that went on and on and on.

Y/N's pretty something. She's extraordinary.


Hi guys!!

So this is the first Imagine

If you have no idea who Sabrina Carpenter is, she's the cute blonde girl in Girl Meets World.


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