“Shit.” His voice was back to its usual higher than average pitch, a semblance of shock and horror running through it.

            “I’m not sure if I should apologize, because the look on your face right now is priceless.” Louis was tinted a slight color of pink, a semi-apologetic pout on his plump lips as he tried to joke his way out of it.

            “It’s six.” Was all I could seem to get out, I had a million comebacks and none of them seemed to fit the situation well enough to even be pitched.

            “Right, well I hope I haven’t offended you, and by the big eyes I can tell I’ve clearly ruined your innocence.” He grinned, sitting up slowly to take back in our surroundings. His small hands came to grasp around his ankles, my hand lying uselessly on the grass, finding nowhere near as much warmth on the cold ground.

            “Are you going to say anything?” He continued to speak to himself, an edge of worry seeping into the words.

            “The shower?” I sorted through my many questions, picking this one as the most lighthearted of them all, and hoping I’d at least find out who he thought I was.

            “Oh no Lydia, don’t tell me you haven’t?” A small smirk lifted the side of his lips up, his normally flat hair lay in a mess about his head as he turned to look at me.

            He was avoiding it.

            “We’re not having this conversation!” I responded exasperated, that man really did know how to push buttons.

            “Someone’s a grumpy napper,” he continued to joke. A light was dancing among the hues of blue in his eyes, the sun illuminating his darkening tan.

            I rolled my eyes, not even about to grace him with an answer. Instead I stood up from the ground and brushed my shorts off, rubbing Nora’s head gently before deciding I was going to leave him hanging.

            “Oi, jesus, what did I do?” Louis called back to me almost frantically.

 I bit my lip, not daring to turn around and give him the satisfaction of winning without an explanation.

            I was nearly to the gate, not a soul passing by the ghost town of the Mammalia exhibit.

            “Fuck!” I screeched, my hands coming around to grab my stinging bum right as a soccer ball rolled past my peripheral vision.

            Fucking asshole.

            “Louis Tomlins-“ I turned around to give him a foul piece of my mind right as a strong pair of inked arms wrapped around me, and pushed me against the linked fence.

            “Thank you for letting me use your breasts as a pillow-“ I wiggled under his grip, making a squeamish face as he used anatomically correct terms. –“you’re a damn ecologist, I thought you’d appreciate a bit of science.” He grinned, the light blue in his eyes looked almost sea green from this angle.

            “I do, just not on my body parts.” I groaned, lifting my head up to the sky and asking the god that I didn’t believe in if he cold perhaps save me from this maddeningly charming man.

            “Right, I’ll remember that next time your phalanges are on my clavicle.” Louis grinned as if he were the smartest man in the world. His massive biceps still blocking most of my view as they kept me trapped between him and the fence.

Zoo // Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now