Chapter 51: Innocent Hearts

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*** 2 Days, Thursday ****

Davis's P.O.V

We finally made it to London, i was so amazed of how beautiful this lovely town was. as teenager, i never got to go anywhere, to travel around the world. Mary was so nice to let me live my life, with happiness on the earth. My daughter was babbling about Mary and Asa and how she should not be with him anymore. her husband just tries to make sure that everything was under control. it seemed like he wasn't trying hard enough. London was at the afternoon and we had 3 hours until the party. we manage to get a hotel near the Performs Arts Academy, we both left our stuff on the bed and on the floor, My daughter was telling us to go for a quick shop to buy a dress and a suits. 

So we both went to the store, down the sidewalks, we both quickly found what we were looking for. i had gray and white suits, Her husband got black and suits. and my daughter got a pink long dress. she looked so young. her husband was smiling at her while she looked herself in the 4 mirrors near the dressing room. so we quickly took off our suits and dress and my daughter pay, was almost cheap wow.

so we hurried to the hotel and put our clothes on, we both dressed up. i looked at the clock and it was almost 7:24pm . i bet Mary and all of her friends were ready to go to her friend's party.

Mary's P.O.V

 i was looking myself in the mirror, putting my chap stick on my lips. i was wearing a Speechless Embroidered Dress Juniors, dark navy blue color. i wore my black flats and i wore my necklace that Asa gave me. it was always hanged on my neck. Chloe and my friends were dresses that were light pink, white, gray, purple and black.

i was in Chloe's house, she let me borrow one of her dress which was the one wore tonight. The Performs Arts Academy were closed for 2 days and all of us had the chance to go and be free for awhile. Katie knew about the party that Elle was throwing. but Katie never told any other teen about this.

it was now 7:45 pm, the party was starting cross from Chloe's house. everybody that we knew was coming. they all looked pretty wonderful with dresses and suits. i peeked at the window and i saw security guards around the area, one security guard was reading the list to see if anyone was invited, he let them in if they were on the list.

Aramis, Asa, Matthew, Moises and Zachary coming out of Aramis's house. they both fooled around with each other. they all looked very handsome, Asa was so handsome and dreamy. i couldn't take my eyes off of him. i was like a wide eyed girl who was in fall love with a Superstar. Chloe and all of my friends were outside already. Asa saw me peeking through the window, he came near and below the window where i peeked through

"Are you ready my dear, to go in" Asa smirked

"Yes, but I'm not sure if i want to go in yet" i said

"don't be" he said

"My family is coming, i felt it Asa and i think i saw your family coming in already" i said

"Yes, you're right, my family went in already and i know you're parents are coming, but don't worry, you won't have to face them alone"

"Oh OK" i said

"Now come down, my sweet love" he said, i chuckled and said OK. so i went downstairs and stepped outside, Asa  stood there smiling at me and he put his hand on his mouth, he looked stunned, i just chuckled. Asa came near and i went where he stood.


"Thank you, and YOU ARE VERY HANDSOME!" i shouted as well

"Thanks" he laughed

"Asa Mary! come on let's go in" Elle shouted to us, me and Asa went to where Elle was, we both entered her house and the party looked super fun and fancy. Kids were playing around the fun activities that Elle made and Adults were having dinner and drinking some sodas and champagne. i looked at Asa, he smiled so bright and his amazing eyes seemed to love my light blue eyes.

He Fell In Love (Asa ButterField- FanFiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ