Chatper 36: Over!

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 Mary's P.O.V

I woke up the next day, at  10:20am. I was in a good mood. it was strange, cause I never woke up In a good mood. I actually wake up very tired and lazy. I peeked at the window and the rain coming down, I almost saw the sun shine behind those dark cloudy sky. I was feeling pretty good. Maybe because it was valentine's day and I wondered that Asa was going to give me something today. I had got him a cute teddy bear, 'I love you' on the teddy bear's stomach. it was white and fluffily. I also got a card but I was thinking that it wasn't enough love to give my prince.

I looked around the room and I saw Choe waking up, she turned around to look at me and she stretched her arms.

"Wake up, Lazy!" Chloe yawed

"You too, Lazy blonde" I stretched

"Alright get ready, thank god that there's no classes today"

"Are we going to the Cafeteria " I asked

"Yes, we are"


I went to the bathroom, to change into my casual clothing. I was wearing my light pink shirt with blue jeans and flats. I had a long dark blue little sweater. I put my hair down as always, my curls seemed to never fade away. I looked at myself in the mirror, putting on perfume around my neck and our shoulder. i came out of the bathroom and Chloe was dressed up. she was putting her phone on her pocket.

"I'm going, I gonna help Aramis with something, Text me if  you are with Elle, right now" she said, walking towards the door

"Ok, See you later" I said

"Bye" she smiled


Chloe's P.O.V

I was going to Aramis and Asa's dorm to help Aramis carried Asa's gift for Mary and put it in Mary's and mine dorm without her there. I  told Mary to text me if she was now with Madison. Elle, Matthew and Madison didn't know any of this somehow.  

I was walking down the hallway. the halls were quiet, some teen walked by and some already left to go to lunch or the bakery. when I reached to their dorm, I knocked on the door and waited. I saw someone coming straight towards me but she turned another way. she looked pretty and I think I heard about her. I had a weird feeling.

"Hey" Aramis opened the door


"Quick, come in" he said, so I walked in and I saw the gifts on Asa's bed, Asa was writing on a card.

"Wow, Mary is going to love this, Asa!!" I said excited

"I hope so" Asa said with a slight smiled

"Bro, she is going to love this, don't doubt" Aramis said, he was standing next to me

"Alright" Asa said

my phoned vibrated and it was a text from Mary. she told me that she was with Madison, I put my phone away.

"Ok, she's with Madison right now, come on, let's hurry before she comes back"

"Asa, are you done writing the card"


Me and Aramis gently grabbed and carried Asa's gift, we begin walking. but Aramis stopped for a second and talked to Asa.

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