Chapter 8: Ask Chloe

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Mary's P.O.V

English class was over!!!  me and Asa didn't talked so much, but it was just nice to have someone you know around.

the weather is super cloudy and cold, my parka was warm but not warm enough.

*The Bell Rings*

so I had my science class!! and time fly, like literally. Asa was only in my reading class, English and Science 

Asa looks at me and smiles.. but I only think a friendly nice way. I mean I am not planning for anything for Love these days.. like at all

So I went to my last class and it was my Art class that I signed up. I wanted to sign up for singing lessons but it doesn't start until next month in December so I guess I'll stick with Art which I am delighted to do.

I saw my new friend Elle sitting on the stool. I pulled a stool and sat next to her. there was a large board in front of us, along with large white papers. and there were paint brushes and paint on a small desk next to the board.

"Mary, Hi how are you?" Elle said

"Oh Hi Elle... you sign up for Art?" I asked

"Yes, I just love creating something fascinating, I mean it's like  bringing magic in your hands.. like power" she said

"oh that's sounds sparkling" I smiled

"sure does" she said

"Ok.. Class we are going to draw flowers or roses. which one you like.. ok let's begin" the teacher said ... Mr. Martin

we all began to draw freely


Asa's P.O.V

the English class was over and I had another class I signed up for but I heard it was cancel today. so I went to my room.

when I came into my room, I saw Aramis laying on the bed, reading magazines that was almost too inappropriate.

I put my backpack on the bed and sat down, to take my converse off.

"Hey Asa, aren't you going to go to writing class or something?"

"Nay, it's cancel for today" I said

"Oh" that's he said

"it's cold in here" I shivered

"I'm not cold" he smiled

I didn't say anything

"Hey Asa, look at these girls in the picture, wearing bikinis and --" he was interrupted from me

"Aramis, Stop please" I said

"Why?" he said  giving the "your crazy" face

"right now, I don't want to hear anything" I said, laying on the bed, looking at the white ceiling

"What's wrong? Asa you look down" he said

"I am not, I am just tired, I didn't get enough sleep last night" I said, closing my eyes

"well to keep you awake, let's hear a funny joke, do you want to hear it?"

"Sure, why not" I said

"OK.... the teacher said "why are you late to school? the student said "because of a sign down the road" the teacher said  "what does a sign have to do with you being late?" the student said "because the sign said 'School ahead, go slow"

Aramis started laughing, so did I

"Ok that was funny" I said

"Yea, sure is"

"So how was classes so far?" I asked him

"it was Okay, what about yours?" he said, putting his magazine in the drawer

"it was pretty good... I did met someone new" I said

"oh Really?" he said shocked

"Yea, it's a girl .. her name is Mary.. she's very pretty I got to admit"

"oh well... did you guys talked, you know did you got to know well?" he asked

"No" I said

"oh well.. you should just saying"

"I'm going to Chloe's room and ask about her, maybe she knows her" I said, putting my converse back on.

"ok" he said, he didn't seemed to care that much.

I stand up and opened the door

"I'll be back" I said

I walked out and closed the door.

I knew where Chloe's room was at..  the room was near down the hallway.

when I reached I knocked on Chloe's door and waited for the door to open

and it opened

"Oh Hey Asa " she said

"Hey Chloe, can I come in?"

"you're not supposed to be alone with a girl, you know" she said

"I know but I need to tell you someone ,it will only take a minute please?"

"Ok, Fine, Come in" she said

she let me in

"here sit down on this chair" she said

she pulled the chair near the mirror and I sat down.

she stood up

"so what do you want to ask me?" she said

"Ok, um do you know this girl name Mary?"

"Mary? you mean Mary Anderson?"

"yea I guess.. I don't know her last name so" I said

"tell me how she looks like" Chloe said

"she has a light skin, light blue eyes and have a mousy brown hair... she's very pretty" I said

I don't know why I say that... but I do admit she's very pretty

"oh I KNOW HER!!" she shouted

"Wow you do?" I said

"Yes, she's my roommate, she's my new best friend" she smiled

"Wow, can you tell me about her?" I asked

"Why? I mean why don't you ask her about herself?" she asked

"I don't know" I said

"Look Asa, all you need to know is that She's my roommate, my best friend, I mean me and her just met but I know we just connect in a sister way you know" she said

"Yea.. ok"

"Ok good... now get out of my room" Chloe said, pointing at the door..

I laughed and she had her funny smirk

I opened the door and went out

"See tomorrow at Lunch" I said

"Bye, Asa" she said

I walked away and heard the door closed


He Fell In Love (Asa ButterField- FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora