Chapter 7: Without Knowing

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Mary's P.O.V

*the bell rings* (lunchtime)

FINALLY!!! it was time for lunch, I was getting really hungry. my stomach was growling almost loudly. it would be awkward if someone heard it.

I was thinking about love, that I don't want to be in relationship anymore. I mean 2 years I met a boy and he was gone. but ain't that a shame. because I am doing pretty good on my own.

but since now I was close to like Asa, I know he could never go out with me, no one would. i am nobody's type what so ever. but who cares right?

Anyways I went to my locker near my room, I took the book 'Ender's Game' with me... I still took the backpack with me.

some people were grabbing their things and nobody was around the corner. this boy thought I was staring at him when I am really looking around.

he had white skin and red hair. probably brown eyes.

"what are you staring at?" he said, a mean face he gave me

"Nothing" I said

apparently, he just closed his locker and walked away. I stood there, knowing that I'll met Chloe and Her friends.

I didn't care what that boy did to me

I closed my locker and walked away.

I entered the cafeteria, and people were all around.

I saw Chloe at the table, with her friends, some I didn't really recognized

"Mary, Over here!" Chloe shouted to me

I quickly walked towards them.

"Hey, Chloe" I said, standing next to her

"Hey, Mary" she said

"oh Guys, this is Mary, my best friend, my roommate" she said to her friends

she continued

"and Mary, these are my friends, this is Elle Fanning, Matthew Knight and Moisés Arias"

"Wow, it's nice to meet you all" I said

"oh it's nice to meet you too, Mary" Elle said

"Come sit down with us" Chloe said, she pulled a chair for me

then we all talked, Chloe's friend asked me some very interesting questions that I never thought I would answer to.

they laughed at my jokes that i made up. they really seemed to like me, as a friend who is a joker.

even though I'm not an actress, just a normal girl doing what she loves.

they were all kind to me, they were amazing people to hang out with.

I was enjoying the time with them.

"Hey, Where Aramis and Asa?" Elle asked

I was shocked to hear his name. Loud and clear

"I don't know" Chloe said

"Chloe, is Asa your friend?" I asked her in whispers

"Yes, he is" she reply

"oh Okay"

She knew I was talking about the Asa Butterfield, she didn't seemed to ask me why I asked her that statement.

when I heard his name from Elle's Voice, my heart to began to beat hard, than ever before..

what's happening my thought said

*The Bell Rings*

So it was time to go class, I have English... and my new friends they went somewhere that I don't know yet.

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