Chapter 1: Laugh Along

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Mary's P.O.V

it was the month of early November, the weather was getting colder in Pennsylvania where i lived. almost a lot of clouds coming by. I was 15 years old, having a more balance of my talent. I want to be a singer in the future. I know that won't come true but least I want to sing very well. I also want to be a artist, a painter. I don't know which talent I do well the most Singer or Artist.

my parents wanted me to be a dancer, a ballerina. Oh my god, Can you believe that! they can be out of their minds. It's doltish.  they didn't understand me so well. nobody is on my side really, my cousins and aunt's are nice but they weren't around so much. typically, I don't care.


I was at my backyard, playing with the swings that my father built. two ropes tied on the arm tree, grows with rotten lemon apples. the sun shinning on my face and the town. the sun wasn't so hot or so cold.

I was wearing a jeans and a white shirt and flats, along I had a gray jacket.

"Mary!" I heard my mother calling

I went inside to see what she needed

"Yes, Mom?!"

"come and eat" she said, sitting on a chair , with some sweet food on the diner table.

I sat down and started eating, then my father came and sat with us..

I have no sisters or brothers

"Honey are you ok since what happened 2 years ago?"


I do remember what happened 2 years ago.

2 years ago I was dating my boyfriend, recently met a month ago.

he was sweet but he was silly.. his name was Jack, the same age of course.

my parents knew about him, they met him. at first they didn't like him, but they changed their minds.

 I had a great time with him. I was falling deeply in love...

until one night, I went to his house, to see him.. I was too bored at my house so I wanted to go and surprise him.

then at his living room, he was kissing another girl, but passion, before I caught him I heard someone said "I love you" it was Jack...

he knew I was there, I was crying so hard that I ran away, he followed me and calling my name. but he couldn't go any further with me. I couldn't believe  what happened.

the next day, I went to get some mails in my mailbox. once I opened the door, something was there on the front door. it was small and blue.

I opened the box and it was a bracelet and there was a letter along with the box.

"Dear Mary, sorry what happened last night, I know you don't want to see me anymore, sorry I cheated on you.. but anyways, this box is a present for you, happy very early birthday!

                           Love - Jack" 

, which was tomorrow. he gave it to me around fall, in my freshmen year....

I did threw the bracelet and the box, I decided not to fall in love anyone.


"Yes I do, Mom, but I'm fine really" I said

"ok, cause I don't want you to be distracted from boys, you need to focus on Ballerina."

"Mom, you know I don't want to be a ballerina, you know that!"

"I know you don't but I believe this ballerina stuff, well help guide your sweet ability"

"but it's not, Mom"

I wasn't sitting up straight

"Sit up straight" my mother taped my shoulder

I did what she told me to do

"what is your dream, Mary?" my father asked

"I want to be a Artist and a singer.. I don't know but I do know that I enjoy them." I told him

"oh how wonderful!"

"Billy!" my mother shouted

"sorry dearly, but I now believe that Mary's talent is delightful"

"Really!?" my mother was bit surprised

"oh well thanks Dad, it does give a little of support"

"well don't thank me yet" he said

he got up and taped my shoulder

"what?" I said

but he didn't answered, he left..

"so tomorrow is your birthday, are you excited?" my mom said

"yea, I am"

then my father walked by the diner table and he said

"Hey Mary, don't date anyone that is a jerky"

"nice joke, hun!" my mother started laughing.


both of my parents were chuckling. but I didn't find it too funny..

I just....laugh along with them.



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