Chapter 11: Inviting You

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Asa's P.O.V

So it's been 2 weeks ago and Next week was December. my classes are doing wonderful and a bit hard, but it's all right.

my words and my talent of a Writer, who writes poetry, stories. my teacher made us a project. the project is about Poem, writting and you have to used it in your own words, which i have done, but i need some inspiration that can make me, the best writer i can be. including Acting.

the project is due on Friday, and today was Wednesday. so i had like 2 days to finish it.

but i need something that would make me get my inspiration  on.

it's gonna be hard.


Anyways, i was at my laptop, in my room. it was late at night, me and Aramis were just quietly doing our thing.

he was on the bed, reading the magazine. i was on twitter, typing my tweets.

the room was warm and quiet, the lamp was on, glowing in bright yellow.

i was done typing my tweet and i turn of my computer. then Aramis broke the silence

"Hey Asa, i just read the rule book of Performs Arts Academy and it said---" he stopped because my voice stopped him

"you read the Performs Arts Academy?!"

"i was bored, i finished the magazine and this is all i have to do for late night ,so don't judge" he said

i chuckled

"so anyways , it said that all of us can't leave the school, if you are planning to go to the mall or something like that"

"and why are you telling me this?" i asked

"because our friend Matthew went to the mall with Elle, last week"

"did they get caught?" i was curious

"No they didn't. yea he told me that they are securities in the front of the school, but they got out of back of the school, there's a small fence, that's a small hole, that can fit anybody in it. they say that  students who went here, had been doing years ago. there's not cameras around of course. the fence is by the small wide field.

"what about the people in the building?" i asked

"no one can't be out of the building or their rooms until 7pm" he answered

"Oh--" i nodded

"i was wondering, since you and Mary are great friends, maybe you guys would go out tommorrow night or tonight , cause right now, it's 12am"

"What? we'll get caught and she would blame me" i said

"No you guys won't, Chloe has told me about you two, just sitting together like a cute couple"

"Will you stop? we are just friends" i said

i lied, i guess

"Come on.. invite her, she will go with you alone" he said, standing next to me

"yea but where do i take her?"

"what about Movies?" he asked

"Nah, i mean i'm thinking about what she likes"

"she likes Singing, playing guitar and piano.. she told me" He smiled

"oh and i know the perfect place" i said

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