Chapter 24: Home

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Asa's P.O.V

(40 minutes later)

I was on my way home, while driving by, I saw the lights almost around the town of London. London bridge was full with lights of yellow. I saw the Ferris Wheel brighten up with blue and thousands of Christmas lights. I even saw the biggest tree with the Christmas lights glowing with the biggest star on top of the tree.

I was smiling and feeling warm inside, I guess I felt half of Christmas spirit already.

the driver finally made it to my private home which was big. my neighborhoods were superstar, well mostly actors and actress who lived in London their entire life. we don't bother each other, when I t comes to Christmas or any other special occasions, we talked to each other almost all day, we don't really talk about our career that much. we rather talk about a normal life we'll always have on our sides.

when I step out of the cab, I got my luggage and found my mother and Loxie at the door step waiting for me to reach them there. they were really happy to see their son and brother here , home for Christmas and winter break. then finally, we all went inside. I was freezing like hell.

"oh, Ace. so glad to see you!!" my mum shouted and hugging me, making me lose my balance.

"I'm here now" I said

"welcome home bro" Morgan , my older brother said

he was shirtless, eating a half of sandwich, wearing sweatpants and socks

"yup" that's all I said

I started walking away from them for a minute, I went to my room to put my luggage on the floor in the closet. my room was almost large and clean. there some of my clothes on the ground, never got picked up while I was gone, I remember it was the same spot, where I left it on the ground. I thought my mum was going to clean up my room a bit, it seems she hasn't.

I sat down my bed, taking my converse off, then I heard my little sister Loxie come in, eating a chocolate bar, barely opened. she came jumping and then sat down on the floor instantly. she was blonde, short, adorable. she was wearing her pink shirt with white small sweatpants with black socks.

I looked at her, with smiles on my face. she looks at me and giggles.

"what's up, Loxie?" I said

"eating Chocolate" she said, happily

"great, so did you miss me?" I asked.. sometimes I wonder if Loxie did know what I was saying or asking her.. even she was four.  

"yea" she replied

"I knew you did" I said

we both stood silence, I was busy on my laptop, playing games in it.

then few minutes Loxie went with Morgan at the living room. I saw the tree was already put up. with lights and presents  and I've realized that they put all of that without me. I was a  little dismay, missing all the fun in my home

I looked at the clocked and it was 9:35pm.

I started wrapping presents for Loxie and Morgan and Mum, but luckily, they didn't found out or even, came to my room and figure it out about the presents.

after I was done, I put them in my closet and hid it in the darkness. I planned to put them under the tree when they're not at home.

Mum came and told me that Dad was going be here in Christmas eve with his girlfriend. which it was this Wednesday.

and I couldn't wait what happens next.......................


Mary's P.O.V

I was already the airport, going to the plane to Pennsylvania. after catching my flight, I quickly gave a call for my mother. she told me that she'll be at the airport, picking me up the next morning.

after the call, I was on the plane, ready to go. the plane was flying now and I saw London glowing on the ground, the plane was now 60 feet higher to the ground. I was warm and tired. no one had sat with me, plus there was a almost a lot of people on the flight. I fell asleep close to the window.


I woke up and it was 8:45am, I heard the speaker, the pilot said that we are here in Pennsylvania airport, we all got off and went through the airport. I got my luggage and find my mother in front of the airport. I stepped outside and found her their with her car parked.

I went in and put the luggage of the back of the seat, I went and hugged my mother

"oh my dear, it's so good to see you again!" she shrieked, hugging me back

"I know" I replied

"are you okay?" she asked, just to make sure

"yea I am fine Mom,... um where's dad?" I asked, putting my seatbelt on

"he's at work" she answered

"anyways, are you hungry, do you want to grab something to eat, then we go home?" she said

"yea sure" I said with happiness tone


we drove off , we went to ate fast food. we both talked and talked about my talents and the schools. I wanted my mother to tell me more at home, but I knew that all they did was work and work and wait for me to come home.

she asked me about this actor who became my friend "Asa" of course. I didn't say much, I highly doubt it, I gave a bunch of details, expect where we snuck out for a date or something. we just runway for that night. I now realized that it was a big and bad ideal.

we also talked about my friends and how they are, or actually who they are really are.

the weather was snowing and cold... just like London


after that, we went home and clean around the house. I saw the trees with presents and lights already put them up. this Wednesday on Christmas eve, my whole family is coming for Christmas, they lived nearby.

I was excited and happy to see them.. but I did miss my friends and my special friend Asa.

I knew I'll see him again, when 3 weeks are gone, I'll  just enjoy being here... at home



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PS: I'll update soon as I can, I will be very busy tomorrow, (final exam!!! OMFG) anyways, PLEASE READ MY LETTER ON "A BOY WITH BLUE EYES" THAT I UPDATED YESTERDAY PLEADE CHECK THAT OUT!! THANKS :)

                                                 - MELINDA :)))))xxxxx


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