Chapter 40: Will You Still Love Me?

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Mary's P.O.V

I woke the next day, Friday was the day. my eyes were still sore from the tears , that had been fallen every night, from every minutes. I got off from my bed, I was bare feet, the brownish carpets were almost so cold and it made my body get chills. I peeked at the window and I was hoping to see the sky more cloudy, more dark, more rain. but instead I saw the sun shining, the clouds were around, but far away from the Sun. it seems like I never saw the sun only in London. it felt so good to see the sun rise from above. flowers were feeling the warmth, the wind was very fresh but it was nice. part of me knew that something would turn out good, and I was afraid that it meant me and Asa, our love that we shared.

For the First time I saw Chloe dressing up so quickly before me. she was putting her hair into a ponytail. she was wearing a white shirt with blue jeans. she wore a black coat and a pink scarf around her neck. she also wore dark black boots. the boots were cute, I did loved the scarf too.

"You dressed up so quick?" I said in my sleepy voice

"Oh Yea, I didn't get enough sleep and I was super tired of looking at the ceiling all night, so I decided to dress up early. did you hear?" she said, she was looking herself in the mirror.

"Hear What?" i asked

"We have an assembly this morning when the first bell rings, I heard they are doing some occasions, plus we all are going to see the cheerleaders perform" she said, Chloe was putting chat stick on her lips

"Oh, it's funny because I've never saw the gym before" I chuckled a bit

"it's also a big day for you" she smirked , I stood silence and I just wanted to ignored about this day that comes..

Chloe didn't say anything else and I went to the bathroom and change my clothes. I was now wearing, dark blue jeans with white shirt and a dark blue sweater and I wore converse and Chloe wore flats. Chloe left because she had something to do, she told me that she was going to go to Elle's dorm and tell her something. I knew they would be talking about Me and Asa, and all of that stuff.

it's almost 8 o'clock and I quickly got my backpack and went to my locker. I had a small mirror and I was looking at myself and I looked tired and dismay. I didn't like it at all. I was about to tear up a bit. I hate it when I cry and don't know why. I did not know why. Teens were at the hall just fooling around and laughing and chatting. it was just a normal day well sort of. I heard some guys that were at the corner, laughing; I peeked at them from the holes that had at my locker.  I knew they were laughing at me, I simply rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, part of me, I almost revealed my anger out of them, but I waited from them to leave, then they did. I heard their laughers disappear in the hallway. nonetheless  that's all that happened.

Asa's P.O.V

I walked out of my dorm and went towards my locker. I was wearing a gray shirt with black sweater and a light blue jeans with converse. I was getting my notebooks out and put them in my backpack. I peeked through my lockers, small holes were round. my sleepy eyes lead to Mary's locker and there she was by her locker. she putting her textbooks in, she looked beautiful, every time I saw her, I fall in love with her over and over and over again. I closed my locker and slowly walked towards her. she told Aramis that if I come to talk to her and sort this thing out, then she would know that I really care about her and love her so much. I truly did love her...

I was about to touch her shoulder but then the noisy stupid bell rang and then Mary quickly closed her locker and walked away, she didn't know that I was behind her. everyone went to the gym, we all a seat and everything was crowd

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