Chapter 29: Glorious And Dapper

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Mary's P.O.V

As i was at my locker, getting my notebook and my black folder with pencils and pen. i had a diary inside my black folder. i took it since i came back from Pennsylvania  and when Asa came to bay window 8 feet down to the ground where he stood. i have wrote about my feelings that weren't as good as any others feelings. To me, it was unheathly feeling mostly blue of everything until i met Asa.

The diary was dark blue leather [Journal]. i remeber picking it out with my mother around Spring Break last year before i ever entered The Performs Arts Acdemy.. i recall sitting at the table at Fast Food in Jack in the Box. i was sitting on the chair with the table aside. My mom was at the restroom, i was too busy focusing on my world that felt like it was getting lonelier.

it was a good thing that i didn't saw anyone i know from School. i was eating tiny bits of French Fries and small nuggets with ranch and barbecue . My mother came and sat down. she took a deep sigh when she sat down

"So... What's on your mind dearly?" she asked

"Nothing" i said

"Are you sure, cause it seems like there is something on your mind, i can prove it" she said while grabbing the nuggests.

"How?" i asked

"Cause you look around, you look at the floor and stop and do nothing. Just sit there and daydream about something. Nobody can stop thinking about something. cause things goes through everybody's mind"

"Yes you're right mom"

"Darn right i am" she chuckled and i chuckled along and she continued

"oh you see that boy there, He's so Super cute. i bet he's one popular kid in High School. you should go out with him. i bet you guys will 'Click' "

i looked at the boy that my mother was talking about. he was sitting on the wooded bench near the Snack Machine, He was cute i got to admit but he did seemed like a player. his hair was dark brown and light brown skin and he was a senior. i guess my mother i hadn't figured that one out. i felt embarrassed of my mother. even though she hadn't shouted to the crowd who would 'Laugh Out Loud'

"Mom, it's best if i don't have any boy who is like that, i mean like a player" i said

"Why not? i mean i dated a boy who was a player. i was about 15 years old and he was 17, sometimes Age just doesnt matter"

"i just don't want to, i don't want any boy who becomes a jerk and plays with hearts with rocks that will smash your heart into pieces and  Mom.. it's  bullshit!"

"Bullshit.. it is and that's just life. everyone has to aceept it and i know someday you will find your soulmate and your Romeo.. .whatever OK? just be patient.  Plus i want to take you to another store and i want you to buy something Magical"


my mother and i went to throw our lunch in the trash and my mother took me to anothother store. it was small and clean. the music was playing from above. i had no clue what my mother wanted me to buy until she told me

she lead me to the books and Maganizes and she smiled like she was at a commerical, selling dumb products.

"What is it Mom?" i asked

"i want you to buy a Diary or a Journal. pick one and which one you like. i mean the covers are cool. there's flowers or dark colors that are- just nothing on it really and whatever"

then i lead my eyes to the dark blue leather journal. it was below and piled up with others. i got it out and hold on my hands. i stared at it and i liked it. i knew that the journal was going to be fun to write in it. my mother knew cause she saw me smiling at it

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