Chapter 28: Welcome Back

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Asa's P.O.V

Me, Chloe, her mother and Henry went to Mary's Christmas party, everyone was so nice, Mary's mother was really nice, she was about her 30s along with her husband's same age.

some of Mary's family asked me questions about my acting and my social life all together.

we all sat in one large dinner table with delicious meals and desserts

Mary seemed shy while her parents were telling me about Mary's funniest childhood, it was funny I can tell that Mary was irritated by her mother but she ignored her.

it was a wonderful Christmas party, I had a sweet time with my Mary.  

when short days had passed, I had to go to London to see my family in New years eve, I told Mary that I'll be calling her everyday and night. I give her the sweet passion of a kiss on our lips. I give her the sweet hugs, that I knew she'd wouldn't forget.

it was a little sad for me to go to London and not see Mary, it was only another 4 days until we all come back from the Performs Arts Academy.

me and Chloe, her mother and Henry went back to London


Mary's P.O.V

it was 5 days later and it was time to go back to school, the Performs Arts Academy. I packed my stuff and I went to the airport, I said goodbye to my parents and I told them that I'll see them soon and I'll calling them on the phone anytime I can and I told them the 3 words that always has been said too much around the world.

As I finally came to London, everything was the same, the Christmas lights still on the Ferris wheel and the weather is nice and cold, full with covered clouds covering the sun. and little of snow coming down in the town of London

when I came to school, I saw teens coming and it was a lot of people coming inside the buildings. I went straight to my dorm. I went in the building and went into the elevator. once I reached the last floor. I went straight to my locker and put my notebooks and textbooks in. I looked down at my feet for a moment and I realized that I had the necklace on my neck that Asa gave it to me on Christmas night.

I was golden and special, I held it into my palm, I knew I couldn't wait to see Asa at classes, lunch and after school.

(Third point of view)

When Asa, Chloe, Chloe's mother and Henry went back to London for New years eve. Asa did missed Mary so much that Mary was on his mind near 24/7 and Chloe knew that. Asa's family was glad that he could make it safe and sound.

The Butterfield family invited to their cousins and other relatives to come to dinner on New years eve. when the celebration started, everyone was enjoying the night and the midnight to come for the huge count down, that was finally going to be 2014.  when the midnight came, everyone shouted with excitement and it was 2014!

then the party continued and the Butterfield family ate some delicious desserts.  Asa went to his room and looked out the window. he heard some shots coming from the window and he saw fireworks lighting up the night. he saw red, green, blue and golden. he had an ice cream on his hand, he put it on the table and sat on his rocky chair and sat and watched fireworks sparkling.

he thought about Mary, he loved her every step of the way. he put his hand on his left cheek and rested his elbow on his knee. he smiled doltish. only Mary and his Asanators would found that adorable. Asa wasn't alone thinking about his love.

In Pennsylvania, Mary was at her window, watching the fireworks shinning in the air, she wasn't so far away from the fireworks and she too saw the colors of the fireworks. she was thinking about Asa and she remembers getting lost in his pale striking blue eyes whenever she sees it right in front of her. she lose track of time and she liked it anyways.

Mary smiled and then she put her hand on her lips, recalling Asa kissing her passionately. she slightly smiled and she never felt this way before. one thing crossed her mind "Asa might or will be my Romeo"

and Asa's mind also had crossed "for sure she's my Juliet, I don't want anyone but her"

Mary and Asa looked at the fireworks, then 5 minutes later and it faded with a huge sparks that filled with altogether in colors like it turn into as one of a kind.

Mary's P.O.V

Now I went to my dorm and I went in and everything was the same. I put my small lugged on my bed and took off my parka. I waiting for Chloe to come. While waiting for her, I started hearing music on my phone with earphones in my ears. I was unpacking my things.

then I heard a loud bang and I turned around and Chloe was there. she seemed happy.

I took off my earphones and had a conversation with Chloe

"Oh I miss my bed" she said, she went and jumped on her bed with her luggage, I laughed

"Sure you do" I said

"So how was your 4 days of No school?" Chloe asked

"it was restful and ok, what about you?"

"oh I forgot, all I did was eat, sleep and do nothing, I think" she replied

"you're joking right?" I asked

"Yes" she said, nodding her head and smiling and I laughed

"So now you and Romeo are together huh? Can't wait to tell our buddies who are dying to be surprised" she said

"Oh please, it is a big deal but his Asanators. their going to be very upset" I said with a fake British accent

"Hahaha, that was nice accent! but anyways, no one will found out only our friends and your family and Asa's know. Mary I know it's wrong but you don't want to let them down don't you?

"No" I said

"then? but don't worry about it, we got your back and Asa's"

"Okay" I said and nodded

I look at the clock and it was 7:22am, Me and Chloe prepared to go to Class.

I was already ready to go and Chloe was almost ready. I told her that I'll be seeing her at lunch today.

I left my dorm and went to my locker, I saw bunch of teens playing doltishly and I heard them say "Welcome Back BRO!"

and I said to myself "Yep, Welcome back"




                                                                      = MELINDA :) XXXX

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