Chapter 4: Here I Am (London)

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Mary's P.O.V

it's been 3 days now, my mother and I went shopping together to get a luggage's and all that stuff that I would need.

the time went really fast. I was ready to go and I wasn't, pretty weird. so anyways tomorrow I'll be leaving.

I was in my room, packing my stuff..

I got all of my clothes, my socks, my underclothes, my sweaters and gloves and all that stuff.

including my dresses that are casual dresses or clothing.

it was 10pm from my clock..

I hear my mother cleaning the kitchen and my father watching TV, reading newspapers.

then someone knocked on my door

"oh Come in" I said

"hey honey" my mother said, holding something behind her

"so what's that on your hands?" I asked

"well, since you are leaving tomorrow, your father and I decided to give this to you before you leave"

she handle me 2 bags

"what is it?" I asked

she doesn't answer me  as usual

I sat down on my bed and started unwrapping my gift

I was amazed what they given me and afford  this stuff

"a -- Paint, a paint brush, large papers and a Guitar?!" I said in my excitement again

"Yes" my mother smiled

"oh thank you, momma" i hugged her

"Mary, we are sorry for making you a ballerina, you can do whatever you want to with your dreams, i know you'll find your true calling" she said

"oh thank you, guys and it's okay..I don't blame you guys, well sometimes" i said

she laughed

"did you finish packing?" she asked

"Yes, mom" I reply

"ok, let's go to sleep, we have to drop you off at the airport at  7am, so get some sleep.. goodnight Mary" she said, turning the lamp off

"goodnight" I said

I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep


(Alarm Beeping)


I woke up with the sound of the alarm.  I turn it off and got up.. I went to the room to wake up my mother and father. they did woke up and get ready.

I quickly took a hot shower.  when I was done, I put my clothe on.

I dry my hair and brush it. I put a little bit of makeup

I was a decent girl. if you ask

my father was already ready, even my mother and I was really close to finish

I put some sweet perfume, my necklace.

then I put my gloves on and my sweater along with my winter hat, dark blue...

my father came into my room, to grab my luggage's in the car

now we were all ready.


so I finally made it to the airport. my mother helped me with my luggage, they weren't that heavy

my father and my mother walked with me all the way to the airplane. we said goodbye to each other, I was crying, so are they.

we hugged, we made some promises. and I waved goodbye to them.

I walked in and found an empty seat by the window. no one sat next to me of course... I was spending time alone. the plane was flying..

when I get to London, I'll be on my way to Performs Arts Academy (boarding school) in the afternoon or at night..

then they'll tell me of where my room I'll go. I knew I'll have a roommate.. oh my god.



few hours, I was hearing music, eating food and chips and playing with my laptop. if you ask I also brought my guitar and my paint brush along with large papers, they're in my luggage of course..

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now in London, the plane is now on the ground, so have a nice day, thank you" the man said, who was flying the plane.

so I got my things together, and I got off the plane.

I got my 2 luggage's and started walking towards the airport.. the weather was pretty cold and kind of snowing too. it was in the afternoon...

I was at the front of the airport, looking for a cab... but good thing I found one quickly..

a young man put my luggage's in the back seat. I sat on the back seat along with my things.

"so where to Miss?" the man said

"oh, to the Performs Arts Academy, please" I said

"Ok" he said

he began to drive over there....


an hour pass by and I finally made it to the Performs Arts Academy, it was huge and amazing...

I got my luggage's and start heading towards the front door and into the counter...

I did saw the London Bridge.. it was fascinating, it was like I never seen anything like it before...

the weather was so cloudy, cold and a little bit of snow coming down..

"Name, Please?" the woman said by the counter with a British accent

"Mary Anderson" I said in confident

"oh Good, you're on the list, Missy, anyways... Welcome to the Performs Arts Academy, here's your schedule for school tomorrow and I also got your parents signature.. right now we are fine. so here is the map if you get lost, and I'll show you to your room... follow me" she said

I followed her. we walked on the stairs... it was 5 floors away.. it seemed tiring for me.

we finally made it and she opened the door with the keys they kept

"OK, here's your room 525#" she said

"Thank you" I said

she nodded

"have a nice day" she said and walked away


I walked in. there were two bed separated by corners. left and right.

so I chose Left and in the middle was a window. the room was almost big... and it was clean.

there were drawers and closets and two bathrooms.

things did looked real nice.. I'm not sure if I will fit in with my roommate.

I put my luggage on my bed. I paused

I looked at the window, it was almost small and it had white curtains too.

I moved the curtains and peeked in the window..

a lot of boys and girls coming...

and my mind said "Here I am"  

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