Chapter 39: Desire *Short Chapter*

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Dear Readers,

this is a short chapter and this about Asa's P.O.V and he is going to read in front of the class of his poem and there's some lies that Asa said who mean for this poem and this chapter is thursday *the day* anyways I hope you like it :) please comment ~ vote ~ spread and thanks ~Melinda :) xxx have a nice day! 

Asa's P.O.V

on Thursday, at writting class, we all had to read our peom to the front of class, we had to do this every 2 weeks and these last of couple of days had been really empty. it was just so much thoughts going to through my mind. i had wrote a poem about Mary.. i wasn't so tired when i had a lack of sleep. it was just SO NEW. i didn't know who talk to beside Aramis, Zachary and Moises and all of my friends. i was thinking about calling about my mum or my older brother but i knew that they would have given me a same advice. plus i did'nt want to give them the 'worries'

me and Aramis sat on the chair and desks in front of us. the class started. i heard some very good poems that teens had read from their own poem. some teens wrote about their love, happiness and sadness... so i wasn't the only one

Aramis was first and he wrote read his poem to the front of the class. he was a little bit of nervsous. he wrote about hope and forgiveness which he wrote about me and Mary. no names were mention. he was done and he sat down, taking a huge deep breath

"Asa, you're up" my writting teacher said, i nodded. i walked towards the front and began to read, my heart a little beating harder.

"i saw those tears came ... flow down from the pale face, though the innocents never seemed to lead her to the truth. the way things where too high speed, too swift, too fast. Those Delicate games that had dolt me, I.. desire to go back to the start, Oh the isolated, the lack of sleep.  i treasure her, i need her... i've desire her since the momment i saw the true beauty she held on herself. I aim to safe the love of ours."

the class was silent, they didn't seemed suprised but they look kind of let down as i was. i wondered what they thought. i wanted to read people's mind. but probably their words could be too advised.  we all never know..

"Asa, that was talented!" he said

*The bell rings*

i came and went to go get my backpack. the class has almost left. Aramis and i started walking towards the door but then the teacher called my name.

"Asa.. can i talk to you for a second?" he was behind his desk

"Yes?" i said, Aramis was next to me

"i hope you don't mind if i ask, but who was that poem from?"

"i wrote for my cousin who was having a rough time.. problems has been solved" i lied

"oh well it is really wonderful Asa.. your poems are very talented... you have some very wicked puropse, you have a gift Asa"

"Thank you" i said, some teens heard the conversation

"Anyways, i'm having an assistant  next week.. her name is Taylor Swift... do you know her?"

"well who hasn't? i chuckled

"she's famous and talented, she'll be helping around. she's very nice too.... anyways thanks for the chat Asa, have a nice day"

"you too, Sir"

me and Aramis walked outside and we all headed towards our dorm.... there's nothing else i had a mind beside Mary......

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