24 - D - Day - Unexpectedly

272 10 36

** A/ N **

Woohyun woke up but a bit late. He took a look at clock. It's already 7. 00 am. He Jumped out from the bed and walked to downstair. And finally stopped in the kitchen. Whole the house was silence. He filled a glass from water and drank it. He felt a delicious smell and he saw his breakfast was already waiting for him. Then he Searched where is Yura. It seemed she already left to work.

" How should i take this as Yurayahh ?? " Woohyun whispered.

Yura was checking some files. After a hour woohyun attend to the office. Yura heard as he  cleared throat but she didn't even look at him.

Woohyun didn't go to his table but stopped beside her table and looked along her. Her heart start to racing up coz she knew that he was glaring at her.

" Any problem Mr. Nam ?? " finally Yura lifted her head but fight to avoid his eyes.

" Yes ...I have one.." Woohyun replied and he seemed tempered.

" Kang Yura...I took everything as you dumped me..So everything is Over...I won't Be addictive for you anymore... " Woohyun Said it although it was very hard to say him.

" W..what did you mean ??  " Yura asked coz she couldn't understand what he said..

" 5 days challenge..." Woohyun turned back to her and started to spoke up.

" 5 days...Means what?? I don't understand Mr.Nam " Yura asked with her curiosity.

" Sunggyu ...I bet him saying that i would win your heart from 5 days..Today is the final day and I failed.." Woohyun said holding his tears which were about to fall down. But as a man, he managed to blocked those childish feelings toward her and could show a straight face.

" What are you talking about?? 5 days challenge for win my heart..how on the earth someone can bet a stupid thing like...How can you win someone's love by only 5 days...? Isn't it stupid ?? " Yura scoffed and chuckled saying that.

Woohyun smirked and said....

" I did it...i was that fool to do that stupid thing for you.. I failed..So I can leave you  for him now..coz i obviously know i can't ever be the man you love..it always him..Sunggyu ...whom your love belongs with...I'm really sorry for being harassing you and behave as a stupid toward you and as The Devil boss of yours...I won't be like that agin...and now you're free, Secretary Kang..You can run to him as you expected before..I won't be the 3 rd wheel anymore. Our contract also will end in next week. But i assure that you won't pretend as my girlfriend anymore....That's all i need to tell you Miss.Kang..." Woohyun stopped his long speech making Yura speechless.

" And one last thing...It will be better if you leave my house and handover your resignation.. No problem if you can do it today..coz i want someone can work with me easily and comfortably ....Hope you can understand me...?" Woohyun was waiting for her reply for  minutes. She was like a dumbfounded and she lost her speech.

" Nehh...i got it ....Mr....Nam " She said in a low tone and bowed.

" Good...Continue with what you were doing before...." Saying that woohyun walked out from the office room.

Woohyun made a call to Myungsoo. When wants to past hard times..Myungsoo always there for him as His best friend.

" Myungsoo ahh...I wanna drink something ..." Woohyun spoke up, when he says that he wanna drink something, Myungsoo knows what is the situation of woohyun practically..

" Are you OK woohyunah...?? ** woohyun sighed ** Fine lets meet in our usual place..." He hung up the phone.

They agreed to meet up at there usual place. Actually it was pub of High class Rich people.

Just Another Lonely Night..!! - Woohyun & Sunggyu × INFINITE [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now