5- Confusion

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"Here Mr. Nam..today's schedule"  i started to explain him about today's schedule. 

"At 8 am..you should check out about hotel management,

"9.30 you should meet Mrs. Nam..I meant your Mother,

"After the Lunch hour there will be a Special conference  with Director board,

"6.30 pm you have to meet special Japan guest,

" And after the all, you should check this files ..." 

"That's all for today..." - yura

[Gosh!! His life is boundary with this schedule...his bad luck...- yura's pov] 

"That's it??" woohyun asked turning to her side. 

"Yes, Mr.Nam" - Yura

"Meeting with Mrs. Nam is cancelled..." -woohyun

"But..Mr.Nam..??"  yura confused.

"That's all...lets go..." -woohyun

"But Mr.Nam she is your mother..it's not fair to ignore her..." Yura hold his hand. woohyun stopped and focused to yura's hand..

"Ahh...sorry..." she suddenly took her hand back. 

"Don't try to teach me..." WH

"I'm not teaching you, but this is something up to my job..do you know, this is the 6th time you ignore your mom..as the result of this, your mom cut half of my salary..." - yura is half crying..

"I don't care.." WH

"Yaa...!! Are you Heartless?? " finally her feelings burst out. 

"Mwo?? Are you yelling at me now?? " - woohyun laughed.

"Yes..i'm...why? Do you hit me??" -yura

"Yes i will...how dare you silly girl.." - woohyun took step toward to her.

"yes..I may silly..but you're a bastard "- Yura( A/N- i'm sorry about this) there was an ink bottle in her hand. he threw it to woohyun's side unknowingly.

 "Yaaaahh..noh!! " - woohyun screamed. His clothes get wet with ink. 

"Boya...i..i..didn't meant to do in..joesangbinda....jommal joesangbina Mr.Nam..." - Yura got scared. 

"Yaaa..what did you just do?? Look at me...ohhh gosh....my clothes..."  - woohyun commotions become dangerous. 

"aahh boya..Otteohge?? (what to) " - Yura covered her face from her palms..

"Fix it up as before..." woohyun's voice become loud..

[A/N- Yura quickly stepped to him and stared to wipe ink from her handkerchief. woohyun still look angry..]

"Take off it...i will wash this..." - Yura

[A/N- her actions brought him laugh ]

"Yaaa...Neo Pabo ya?? ( Are you an idiot??) " - woohyun smiled.

"Ehh??" - Yura still half crying.

"Yaa...you can't wash this...Do you how much expensive  this??" - woohyun

[A/N- His sound brought her scare ]

"Ehh?? How....how..??" - Yura..

"ahhhh..this is the first time i wore it and it's the last time...well let it go Miss. Kang..i can get it from your Salary.." - woohyun

"Mwo???...Aniyaa..you can't.." Yura stared to wipe it again..woohyun Suddenly Hold her hands.

"i said stop it.." - WH

Just Another Lonely Night..!! - Woohyun & Sunggyu × INFINITE [✔️]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora