Emergence of talents

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Mikoto began with her sharingan,level 1 and the first stage of her eyes,in order to anticipate Temari's move just as Hinata came behind her. 

Mikoto jumped up and threw two kunai's towards Hinata as she looked at Temari with her eyes,throwing a kunai at her and teleporting. It was,as Naruto taught her,a raijin kunai. Once she was close to Temari she had deflect and block,and almost didn't get a single hit in considering the others soon were right behind her,attacking her...

She looked at Temari,anticipating her move,and kicking her in the stomach really hard,using fine chakra manipulation,making Temari fall right behind. 

She turned around and decided to do a jutsu. "Fire release,demon birds!" Small birds of fire started to fly towards them with full force. But as expected,Hinata used kaiten in water manipulation.

Which gave Mikoto enough time to take care of Ino.

Shikadai's POV;

"How was your training?" Boruto asked him. Shikadai suspected he looked as bad as he felt.. 

Ever since the attack,his dad,the Hokage,Izuka and Sasuke had decided to train him. And they trained very hard... In order to make him stronger with more precision,they wanted to make him stronger. 

And of course,he was okay with it. He just didn't understand why...

"I feel like my bones have been melted." Shikadai said as Chocho,Sarada,Tadashi and Inojin got closer to him,Boruto and Mitsuki. They were all training more,it seemed like. 

"I think it's because of the necklace,ya know." Shikadai looked at Boruto curiously. What did the necklace have to do with the training? 

"What do you mean?" Shikadai asked. 

"Well...Just like Mikoto,you lack something." 

"Like what?"

"Mikoto lacks strategy,right?" ChoCho said,eating another potato chip. "You pretty much lack combat skills,which she doesn't. She has the strength,she just doesn't have the strategy."

"What are you guys talking about? What does Mikoto have to do with my training? Or the necklace?" 

"Eh,hello?" Sarada said,glaring at him. "Mikoto has the same training as you,expect with your mother,my mother,Ino and Hinata."  Shikadai thought about it for a moment...

This might just make sense. Mikoto did lack strategy.. And he did lack that certain strength that they look forward to.. but why were the two of them training? And just the two of them?

"In fact,I believe she's training now." 

Boruto and Inojin led the way considering they knew where it her training was held,and for some reason Shikadai was excited. 

And finally they found just the spot to where Mikoto was training. The first thing they saw was Mikoto blowing out forms of birds from her mouth to attack Ino,Sakura and Hinata just as Shikadai's mother had been kicked away. 

"She's quite incredible." ChoCho said just as Hinata did the kaiten in water manipulation. "I would never dare to stand against Mikoto."

"It's not about strength." Tadashi said. Tadashi was just like his father,and so was Sarada. Both of them were very perceptive yet powerful. They were,after all,the only public Namikaze's to be found. 

"It's about the strategy." Shikadai then said,agreeing with the Namikaze siblings. 

Shikadai suddenly saw Mikoto going for Ino...Out of all people,she had made the right choice. Mind controlling..She can't afford to have unnecessary things happen. 

Shikadai saw Mikoto using her sharingan on Ino,and out of nowhere,Ino fell down to the ground against a tree,her eyes right up. 

"What the hell did she do?" Boruto wondered. 

"She used genjutsu." Mitsuki said. "A jutsu only a sharingan user can have the advantage of. She must've made Ino see something that isn't real." 

"Is it that bad?" 

"Mikoto's genjutsu is different from the sharingan and the mangekyo... She has the rinnegan as well." Sarada said just as Shikadai watched Mikoto attack Temari once again. 

And she wasn't holding back at all... Hinata and Sakura were close behind and it looked like Mikoto was ready as she turned around,building a secure mud wall. 

He thought that maybe Temari would hit Mikoto,but Mikoto had two hidden shadow clones behind Temari whom had caught her. 

The real Mikoto turned around and took the iron fan from her,throwing it away as she pretended to kill Temari with her sword. 

Temari and Ino were now officially out... 

It was between Sakura,Hinata and Mikoto now. And Shikadai could only say that Mikoto was incredibly talented... She wasn't stupid,she was smart. Really smart. 

"Looks like none of the three are holding back." ChoCho said.

"They're not suppose to hold back." Shikadai said. "They'll do anything to beat you...And this is all about strategy. Besides,Hinata has the byakugan,Sakura has incredible strength. It was smart to get rid of Ino first,then Temari."

"Why Temari?" Inojin said. "Your mother just blows some wind." 

"Wind nature is more powerful than you think." Shikadai said dryly. "It could easily make Mikoto lose her concentration. Skip the long range shinobi's first,then the close range."

"That's smart,Shikadai." Boruto said. And obviously this was something obvious to Shikadai. Long range first,then close range..It's always like that. 

"Have you ever thought that Mikoto looks like a warrior Goddess when she fights?"  Just as ChoCho said that,Shikadai paid attention to the fight,and out of nowhere...

Mikoto was gone,just like that. 

"She's gone!" Boruto gasped as the others watched. 

"Hinata!" They all heard Sakura and it seems Hinata understood. Hinata avtivated her byakugan and looked around. 

"Impossible..I can't see her chakra." But yet very clearly,Mikoto appeared right in behind Sakura,up in the air with a flying raijin kunai. 

"Behind you!" Hinata warned as Sakura almost caught Mikoto's leg. But she didn't... Because that was clearly just a shadow clone. 

The real Mikoto came from underground and caught Sakura's leg,although she did nothing. Or at least Shikadai knew what she was doing,like Mitsuki. 

"She disappeared again?" 

"She marked Sakura." Mitsuki explained. "She's using raijin marks."

"Why?" Boruto questioned. 

"To surprise attack them." Shikadai explained. "It's less use of chakra and she can be quick as ever when she does this.. That's why she's so speedy in fights. She know's her tricks."

"Well,she is really fast in any situation." ChoCho said,which is true. Mikoto has always been fast,and she didn't know if it was for the Namikaze bloodline since Tadashi and Sarada were quite fast as well. 

Not to mention Boruto. 

Once again,Mikoto appeared in front of Sakura and was just about to punch her,but Hinata seemed to block her hit. 

During the fight,Shikadai could only think about how amazing she was. He knew she tried to save up chakra and actually think like a strategist this time. 

"I guess Mikoto is alright." Inojin said just as everyone turned to look at him. 

"Do you really think you could face some of the few strongest shinobi's? Not to mention all four of them having legendary past." Sarada commented,but Shikadai... 

He only kept his look on Mikoto. 

A Ninja's Daughter (Naruto fanfic, Sequel to Ninja Heart)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu