~Frazel's Date~

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Nico and Will were visiting New Rome togeather. Percy and Annabeath were studying and hoping to get into the collage there.
Nico had decided to bring his boyfriend to see the beautiful city. They were walking past the fountain when Nico was asulted by his cousin.
"NICOOOO!" Percy yelled as he tackled the younger demigod, "I missed you!"
Shoving the son of Posiden off of him he said, "good to see you too Percy." He smiled inspite of himself, "where's Annabeath?"
Percy rolled his eyes, "studying. I had to take a break. Especially when I heard my cousin and his boyfriend were in town." He winked at Will who laughed.
"Good to see you Percy." The blond was pulled into a hug.

"Does Hazle know I'm here?" Nico asked as he stood and intertwined his fingers with Will's.
Percy shook his head, "no, Only Annabeath and I know."

"Let's pay her a surprise visit," said Nico smirked up at Will.

So they walked to Hazles apartment.

"Frank and Reyna are at a meeting so Hazle will be alone." Percy said as he lead them to the door.
Nico knocked but before he couldn'd rap his knuckles on the door twice it burst open and a mob of golden eyes and frizzy hair launched its self at him.
"Nico!" Hazle laughed as she gripped onto her older brother, "I missed you I missed you I missed you!"

Nico smiled fondly and kissed her head. She realeased him from her grip of steal and looked at him.
Then she noticed Will.
He yelped as she tackled him in a hug. After she pulled away she looked at him, "how are you doing?"

"Good Hazle. Nico and I are doing amazing." He beamed at Nico.

Then Hazle turned to Percy, "hey Perce!" She hugged him tightly, "come in!" Beconing them in she shut the door behind her.

After a good two hours of small talk, Frank and Reyna walked in.
"Sorella!" Nico greeted as he hugged Reyna. (Sorella means sister) he had basicly adopted Reyna as his second sister after the war with Gea.
Reyna hugged him back. Hazle jumped into Frank's arms and he spun her around once before setting her down and kissing her cheek.
"Glad to see you two so happy together." Nico said as he smiled at the couple.

"Aww Neeks!" Will cooed as he hugged Nico, "you do care!"

Nico just rolled his eyes, "of course I care, she is my sister."

"Sometimes he cares too much." Hazle joked.

Frank gulped, "He threatened me... It was scary."

"The threat still stands." Nico looked the son of Mars in the eye.

Reyna cleared her throat, "we should go see Jason and Piper or something. And preator Zang, you and I have duties to attend to. But we will be back for dinner."
Frank kissed Hazle goodbye and followed Reyna out the door.

The Golden eyed girl sighed, "I feel like he is never around. I want to have some time with him to relax and be a couple."

Nico walked over to Hazle and wrapped his arms around her, "he is a preator, he will be busy. But if you asked him I'm sure he would make time for you. I had to do that with someone." His gase settled pointedly on Will.
The blond raised his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry Neeks! There were patients and files and a new shipment if supplies-"

"But I asked him," Nico inturupted, "and he made time."

"Because I love him." Will smiled.

"Forth weelin' like a pro over here guys." Percy said.

"Sorry Perc." Hazle rose, "I want to do something special for him. Maybe a surprise date?"

"Like when I took Nico to the beach!" Will exclaimed.

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