Vampire au

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Nico was a vampire. He had been for the past thousand years. Most vampires looks were irresistible, he was no exception. He had pale skin with stunning warm brown eyes and a head of black hair. No, his eyes weren't red, although they turned red when he was hunting, same with his fangs, they only grew when he was feeding.
He lived deep in the center of a Forest next to a town. The town, is where he got all his food. He never killed innocent people. Only evil people; rapists, murderers, drug dealers, kidnappers.
He had friends too. Jason, another vampire, Percy, a merman who lived in the huge lake a mile deeper in the woods, and Leo a fire Elf.
Over the last 3 weeks Nico had been watching a human walking deeper and deeper into the woods.
The human boy was handsome. Golden blond curls on his head, bright saphire blue eyes that sparkled in the sun. His tan freckled face was like a carving of a Greek god. The boy looked about 17 years old.
The same age Nico looked. Nico had been bitten when he was 17 thus he never aged. Jason was 19 when he was attacked.

That night Nico was out hunting when he smelled blood. Intoxicatingly sweet, he followed the sent. And there, on the ground was the boy. His blue eyes were shut and he had clawmarks across his chest. His once blue shirt was a purple-y red and soaked with scarlet blood.
He is near dead. Nico's mind said, kill him.
But Nico didn't. Instead, he picked up the boy and brought him to his house. Setting the human on his couch he started to heal him. After he was sure he was ok, he left to sleep.

The next day, he was watching over the boy. He wore his usual attire, black shirt, ripped skinny jeans.

The young human stirred and his eyes fluttered open, "w-where am I? Who are you?" He croaked when he saw Nico.

"My name is Nico. This is my house. May I ask your name?" Nico responded calmly.

The blond was strangely​ calm. Before his parents had died they had always warned him about 'stranger danger'. But he was calm. This house was much better than what he was living in back at that village. The stranger was good looking. Dressed in all black, pale skin and chocolate brown eyes. About his age as well.
He remembered the stranger had asked him a question, "W-Will, my name is Will."

The stranger flashed a brilliant smile showing off his perly white teeth, "I found you bleeding in the woods. I healed you but you have to stay another day before you can leave. I don't want the wounds to re-open."

Will nodded, "thank you,"
The stranger just smiled, "go back to sleep, you need the rest I will be here if you need me."
Will fell asleep.
The next day he woke up to the smell of pasta cooking. He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already lunch time. On the coffee table beside him he saw a note.
I am making lunch. If you need me ring the bell. I will bring you your lunch when you wake up.

Will looked and indeed a small silver bell sat next​ to the paper. It was like a miniature church bell, small enough to easily fit in the palm of his hand. He picked it up and rung it. The sound was a pleasant tinkling noise. The kind of noise he supposed fairies would dance to if they were real.
Nico walked into the room. In his hands was a big bowl of ravioli, "morning," he greeted sitting on the couch next to Will.
He handed him the bowl of pasta, "I assumed you would be hungry."
Will quickly thanked him then devoured the food.

"So," Nico ventured, "you can go back to the town today. If you want I will show you the way."

Will thought about how that town treated him, like crap. He remembered the cold nights in the streets, "no! Please I can't go back!" He blurted.
Nico leaned twords him, " why? what happened?"

"They treat me like crap."

Nico's eyebrows furrowed.

Will continued, "my mom and dad died when I was 8. I loved them, but they left me alone to fend for myself." His throat constricted and he swollowed down a sob.
"I went to live with my aunt Hera and Uncle Zues. The abused me."
He remembered the nigts his uncle would come home and kick him till he bled. "He would come home," Will started to cry, "and he would call me a dirty little faggot. He would kick me and punch me, till I threw up blood. My aunt would get drunk and throw things at me, pots, glass, chairs, anything she could reach. She would hold me by my hair and beat me." Will was sobbing. "I ran away when I was 13 I couldn't take it. I lived on the streets, people would scorn me. Nobody cared about the gay homeless orphan boy."

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