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OK... My name is Samantha Brown. I am sooooo hot and everyone loves me. I have long luscious brown hair and green eyes *cough contacts cough*. My minio- friends, are always with me. Also, I can get any guy I want. Every time... Except for one, he is the sexest most gorgeous person I have ever seen (besides me). His name is Will Solace. With a head full of beautiful golden curls a freckled face, tan skin, and those eyes that look like the sky and the ocean muddled together. He was impossible to not love. He turns every girl down saying he is already in a relationship. But I think he just didn't want to hurt their feelings. Anyway, I walk over to him during lunch. I wear jeans that hug my butt and a crop top with a deep v-neck. If you ask me, I look fabulous. I lean over the table sexly, making sure to show my clevage as much as possible and say "hey Willy, Wana hang at my place tonight? My parents are gone." I wink suggestively.
"Umm I think I'm goana pass and don't call me Willy." he replies cooly.
"You sure?" I ask now whispering in his ear.
"I'm positive"
Just then his "friends" Lou and Cecil come walking over.
"She giving you trouble man?" Questioned Cecil warrly.
"Gah! Just go away Samantha and don't annoy Will again!" Scoffed/yelled Lou.
"Fine then brat!!!" I sneer as I walked away. I knew I would get Will somehow.
That day, after school I followed will outside to the parking lot and what I saw astounded me. There were 5 cars all in a row and they were all mustangs! The first in the line was painted grey with a sea green trim. Out of it stepped a boy, he had messy windblown black hair and beautiful sea green eyes, the girl who climbed out if the driver's side possessed wavy blond hair and striking grey eyes. The second was a flame orange with a carmal tint to it. Out of it stepped an elfish looking Latino boy and a girl with long carmal hair. The third car was a sky blue with a deep magenta trim. Out of it came a girl with blown hair and kaleidoscope eyes. After her a boy with short blonde hair and sky blue eyes stepped out he laced his fingers with hers and walked over to where the grey eyed girl was standing.  The fourth was a mix red with gold trim and bumpers. A burly Asian looking boy stepped out escorting a girl with frizzy dark hair and gold eyes. The fifth had a jet black finish and golden trim and a single sun on the hood. I stood in awe as the drivers exited their vehicles. Out of the fifth vehicle stepped a boy maybe a year younger than will and just as sexy but in a different way. He had olive skin and a meaningfully way of carrying himself. His clothes were all black and his eyes were a deep rich brown. He smiled and motioned for the others to join him as he walked towards Will.
" Nico!" Will cried as he rushed forward.
" Hey Will" greeted the other boy.
Before I knew what was happening he was in my wills arms and kissing him! That punk was kissing my Will! I stormed up to them and slapped the boy on the face.
"Why the hell were you just kissing my boyfriend!?!" I screamed in exasperation and fury.
"Ummmmmm... Last I checked, Will was my boyfriend," countered Nico, "am I right?" He looked up expectantly at Will.
"Yup!" He answered with a cheery smile "I'm still your boyfriend."
"Bullshit!" I screamed, "Will is mine you little shit!" With that I grabbed wills neck and went to kiss him but before I could, I felt two, no four angry and strong arms grab me and yank me away. I looked and saw the blond haired dude, the green eyed boy, the golden eyed girl and Nico all glaring at me with pure hate in their eyes.
"Listen here girly, said the blond, you don't try another stunt like that or-
"you will be sorry" both the blond and the green eyed guys said at once. (It was kinda creepy)
"Nico here is my brother," Said the girl pointing to Nico, "and I will not WILL NOT let you break his heart just because you are creepily obsessed with his boyfriend." She growled menacingly.
I turned to run but Nico himself grabbed my wrist and said, "don't get near my boyfriend again."
I would like to say I sassed him but I was freaked out. So I ran.
That was how I met solangelo.

(Sry if I switched between point of views and stuff... I hope u liked it. Let me know if you think I should write more. Comment on what ships you want too!) 😀

Mostly Solangelo StuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora