Truth/Dare turns into other stuff.

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The media up there... I saw that and died. I needed to show u peoplez.
So this was requested by ________. The book is dedicated to that person. I am.tired.So this will either be good or crap. Also plz excuse the bad spelling. Um ya. Hope u like it. Comment shouts of joy or cries of outrage...

(Nico and Will are majorly crushing on each other...)

The seven, Nico, Will, the Stolls, And Katie Gardner we're played truth or dare in the Posiden cabin.
Nico had gotten out of the infirmary about a week before. He didn't know why he had agreed to a game as dangerous as truth or dare, but Will on the other hand was exited.

They all sat in a circle; Percy, Annabeath, Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank, Nico Will, Conner, Travis, and Katie.

And so the game began...

Conner said he would go first, "Travis, truth or dare?"

"Dare," his brother respond confidentiality.

"I dare you to go and steal the new imperial gold sword from the forgeries."

Travis pailed, you didn't steal from the Forge unless you had a death wish.

"And then give it back." Added Leo casually (threateningly) lighting his right hand on fire. The Hephestus kids were very protective of their Crafts.

Travis gulped and slowly stood up.
He glanced at Katie. She was his biggest crush at the time. She liked him too but they were both too stubborn to admit it.
(Much like another pair we know of *cough*solangelo*cough*)

Putting on a brave face he walked out if the room, Connor, and the rest following with monster proof phones at hand.
A few minutes later they herd a yelp, and angry voices. Travis sprinted back to them sword in hand.
"You know it's not safe to run with sharp objects, much less swords," said Will, his eyes bright with amusement.

Soon, a trio of Leo's siblings ran up to Travis yelling death threats and such.
Travis quickly explained that it was a dare, gave the sword back and sent them on their way.


Soon enough, they were back in the cabin, "Leo, truth or dare?" Asked Travis.

"Easy, dare," Leo said with his lopsided grin.

"I dare you to go outside and sing Let it Go in the cosume of Pipers choice. Also it will be a fire version.

Leo grinned, "let's get this amazing performance over with,"


He came back in a flame colors suit that a butler might wear tailcoat and everything.
"Also," Piper said lighting a match, "the fabric is fireproof so I can do this," she sat the talicoat on fire, "and the fabric won't burn.

Leo grinned and ran outside:

"The fire burns bright on the mountain tonight,
Not a snowball to be seen.
A kingdom of flame and ashes,
And it looks like I'm the king,"

He put the back of his hand against his forehead mimiking a faint, there was a crowd of twenty or so demigods and he was obviously loving the attention.

"The flames are roaring like that blazing fire inside,
Couldn't keep it in.
the gods only know I tried.

Don't let them in dont let them see.
be the mickshizzle you always have to be.
Conceal don't feel don't let them know,"

He paused for a dramatic effect,



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