In Which Nico is Gay

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((for this story we are going to pretend Nico is super confident and out there))

Will Solace, the head counselor of the Apollo cabin, best medic at camp, was stuck with two new bratty campers.

Chiron had said, "my boy, I know you can handle these two. How about you go and take them on a tour of the camp. Their names are Cloe and Heather. Sisters, and unclaimed."

So here he was, attempting to give the girls a tour. His heart wasn't in it though. The two looked very similar. The both had hazle eyes, blond hair, perced ears, and faces caked with make-up.
"Eww! I hope I'm not in that cabin," Chloe said as they walked.
"I know right," her sister added, "this place sucks."
And on it went.

The day was a normal one, campers milling around and talking. The sun beat down on the camp like it wanted to toast it. But that didn't discourage anyone. Will was nearing the end if his tour with the little brats.

"Here is the practice aren-" he stopped when he saw his boyfriend.
Nico was shirtless, showing off his abs and toned arms as he swung his sword dismembering another dummy. The son of Hades onyx hair was up in a small ponytail. Some of it hung loose framing his face. (which Will thought was AMAZING).
He stabbed a dummy then kicked it.  Then he spun and decapitated the one behind him. Quickly, he turned and did the same to the dummy he had just kicked as it sprang back up at him. Will could have watched him all day.

"Who is he?" Asked Heather, "hot as fuck!"

"He's mine," her sister shoved her, "I call dibs."

"I'll bet you I can make him fall for me three minutes tops!" Cloe said.

"I'll bet two for me!" Heather put her hands in her hips.
She looked at Will, "who is his godly parent?"

Before Will could answer, Nico stopped and noticed them. Taking a drink of water and wiping the droplets of sweat of hif brow he smirked and sauntered over.

"How are you today Will?" He asked, "who are these newbies?" He gestured to the sisters.

"I'm Cloe," she walked to him, "and who might you be hottie?"

Nico laughed and looked at Will. He seemed to say, "I got this."

"I'm Nico Di Angelo." He flipped the hair out of his face, "who are you?"

"I'm Heather," Cloe's sister pushed her out of the way and batted her eye lashes trying to look pretty, "and you look good."

Nico raised an eyebrow at Will like, who are these idiots?

But he played along, "thanks but I need to get going, Percy will freak if I don't show up on time."
As he walked away, he winked at Will.
The girls seemed to think it was for them.
"He is so hot!" Cloe squeeled.
"And he's mine!" Heather laughed.

"Actually he's gay." Will said.
The son of Apollo knew what Nico was planning but that didn't mean he wasn't a little pissed at the girls because they flirted with his boyfriend.

"He can't be gay!" Heather said flipping her hair, "he is to hot to be gay."

Will had to laugh, "ya ok sure. How about you two go and find Chiron, I need to get back to the infirmary."
Will had just walked into the Hades cabin. And wacked his head on the wall.
"What's wrong sunshine?" Nico walked over.

"Those little brats keep pestering me about you." He complained, "they are all like, 'omg he's so hot!' 'i want to date him!' 'Who is his parent?' 'he's mine!' and 'omg it's the mysterious hottie babe!' I want to stich their mouths shut!" He huffed, "they cant hit in my boyfriend like that!"

"Will," Nico chuckled and hugged him, "Quick recap: I'm gay. And I love you."

"They don't believe you are gay" Will spat, "and I quote 'he's to hot to be gay." The blond crossed his arms.

"I have an idea." Nico smiled up at Will and pecked him on the lips, "trust me."
That night Percy, Annabeath, Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Will, and Nico all were sitting at a table eating dinner. Nico had on a black zipper jacket.
Cloe and Heather started making their way over to the table.
"Who are they?" Annabeath asked.

"Some little bitches that think I'm hot... and straight." Nico laughed.
The sisters walked up to them.

"Hey Nico," Heather purred.
Will visibly cringed.

"Wana hang out on the docs with me tonight?" She asked.

For once Will was greatful for Percy's 'not my type' jokes.

"Water isn't his type" the green eyed boy said.

"Then come with me to the woods." Cloe not-so-subtly bit her lip in attempts to look sexy.
Percy, Leo, Calypso, Piper, Jason and Will all cringed. Somehow Nico managed to keep a straight face. ((Not that that's possible tho😉))

"Sorry girls," he said as he unzipped his jacket, "I suck dick."

There was a moment if stunned silence, then, Leo and Percy fell off their seats as they burst into laughter. Jason was shaking trying to hold it in but he burst and wacked the table laughing so hard no sound came out.
"Ohhh you just got rejected!" Piper said. As she, Annabeath and Calypso howled with laughter. Will sat there with the biggest grin on his face laughing and smiling.
The sisters walked away obviously flustered and embarrassed.
"Nico-" Leo said as he weakly climbed back onto his chair, "that *gasp for air* was amazing!"
Then the group saw his shirt. It said exactly what the son of Hades had spoken earlier, 'sorry ladies, I suck dick.' another round of laughter echoed throught the table as Nico smirked triumphantly​.

I'm working on like three chapters at once. I need to pick one and finish it. Hoped you liked that. I saw   a Tumblr drawing of Nico with a shirt that said that and I was like:
"I need to do that!"
Sry it's kinda short tho. Stay happy lovelies ❤!

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