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Setting: CHB not many campers are around.

(Nico's POV)

"Hey Nico," Jason and Percy waved at me from the lava wall, "come here!"

Reluctantly I walked over to where my cousins were standing.

"Wana practice at the arena later?" Jason asked.

I nodded and started to walk away but he pulled my sword out of it's sheath. Turning I huffed, "Jason give it back!"
Percy snickered.

"Come and get it Di Angelo." Jason challenged me as he raised it above his head.
I growled and tryed to jump and reach it but being the shorty I am, I couldn't reach it, "just give it back already Grace!"
"I challenge you to a race!" He declared.

"What kind of race?" I said giving up on getting my sword back.

"Horseback!" Percy exclaimed, "but you don't have a horse..."

"That Jackson, is where you are wrong." I put my fingers up to my mouth and whistled. A skeleton horse rose out of the ground. You could see the bones but shadows filled in all of the empty gaps and acted like a main and tail.

They looked suprised.

"His name is Ombravelenoso," I said petting his main, "I just call him Velo though." ((Pronounced: v-ea-lo))

"What does that mean?" Jason asked slowly walking twords Velo and I.

"It means 'the poison shadow" I looked at my horse. Velo neighed and snickered. Percys eyes went wide, "bro! You have a dedicated horse!"

Velo whinnied again, "and one that can cuss as bad as Arion."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said: I layed down my life for my previous master and would do it again for the Ghost king."

"really Velo?"
The horse bobbed his head and I pat the horses neck.

(3d persons POV)
"Let's race!" Jason whistled and temptest galloped down from the clouds. Percy mounted Blackjack and they took off. Tempest sped through the air while Blackjack soared neck and neck with him. The two airborne horses finally reached the finish line in time to see Nico and Velo standing there waiting for them.

"What? How?" Percy was baffled.

"Shadowtravel," Nico patted Velos neck and the horse dissolved into shadows, "well that was fin I'm goana take a nap now." He got up and walked twords his cabin.


(Nico POV)
I had just woken up from my nap and was heading twords the arena to see Jason.
"Nico!" I turn around to see a grinning Lou Ellen, "come with me,"

"Lou," I said, "I don't have time right now, I promised Jason I would practice with him."

"Nonsense! You always have time!"

I shook my head, "really I promi-"

"Ok we will do this the hard way, JULIA!"
One of her siblings ran up to me and slipped a bracelet on my wrist, then she grabbed my hands and started dragging me twards the Hedicate cabin.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted.

"Don't try any underworld magic, the bracelet wont let you." Lou warned as she herded me closer to her cabin.

My hands were tied behind my back and I had left my sword with Jason.

"Fuck," I muttered.

"Profanity child!" Julia scolded me. I was like 87 years old she couldn't call me a child!

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