Apollo Kids

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There are some headcannons where the Apollo kids are not effected by the cold and can go around with a t-shirt in the middle of winter. Others are they can't Handel it at all and act like they are dying. I'm goana do a short story for both. Here we gooooo!!!


It was cold and snowing in CHB.
Nico walked out of his cabin bundled in a coat, scarf and hat.
The Ares and Hermes cabins were having a snowball fight, the Demeter and Aphrodite kids were making snowmen.
Annabeath, percy, Jason, and Frank were having their own snowball fight. Hazel, Piper, and Calypso were packing snow around leo and watching him melt it off.

Nico spotted a familiar blond haired son of Apollo walking out of his cabin wearing only jeans and a long sleeved shirt.

Nico ran over, "put on a jacket," he scolded, "you'll catch your death of a cold you idiot."

"I'm good Neeks. I'm warm. And since when were you worried about me?"

"Since you decided to turn into a demi-god flavored popsicle." He retorted.

"I'm warm see. Son of Apollo thing." Will wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

He was warm, "you are my new personal heater." Nico stated.

The seven soon got cold and saw Nico cuddling up to will.
"Hey lovebirds." Leo said.

"Nope he is my personal heater." Nico said hugging Will tighter.

Hazel touched Will's shoulder, "holy Styx he is like a heater!" She exclaimed.

Soon the seven were huddled around Will trying to soak up the warmth.
Nico didn't appreciate that.

"Don't you have stuff to do?" He asked.
Percy shook his head.

"Jason, Percy, Annabeath, don't you need to work on the shrines?" He asked.

Jason grumbled and reluctantly stood Annabeath and Percy following.

"Piper there are new campers to show around." She huffed and walked off.

"Frank and Hazel, as much as I like you Reyna wanted to IM you today." Hazel sighed, grabbed Frank's hand and walked off.

"I don't have to do anything," Leo said smugly.

"No but you are your own heater." Nico said pointedly.

Leo grumbled, "darn" and took Calypsos hand.

"You are mine." Nico said relaxing onto Will's warm torso.

Will chuckled, "I love you death boy."


It was cold out not to cold, infact the perfect winter day. Unless you were one of Apollos kids...
Nico had become friends with all of Wills siblings and they excepted him with open arms, especially durring winter.

"Neeks your back!" Shouted Will as the son of Hades walked into his cabin arms full of blankets.
"Yup just checking up on you guys... Where are all of your siblings?"

A choris of, "hi Nico"s and "over here"s were heard from under the mounds of blankets resting on the bunks.
"What's going on," Nico asked, "Will your normally under there too."

"They were going to sacrifice me!" Will whispered in a panick, "make me go outside to find you!"

Nico chuckled, "I'm here now and I have an idea."
They waited expectantly, "ew are going to make a huge blanket fort. You will still have blankets to cower under but you can move around. Also, Leo owes me so I can have him and Calypso make the blankets like heaters."
"Really?!" Asked Becca poking her head out from her bunk. Becca had  dark dark dark brown hair that faded into a lighter brown twords the ends natrualy. It was long enough to reach the bottoms of her shoulder blades. With her tan completion She also had dark brown eyes, she  was very spontaneous so that made her fun to have around.
"Ya mean it?" Added Jenna popping her head out from the bunk below Becca's. Jenna had strawberry blonde and gold hair that was wavy and about the same length as Beccas. Her eyes shifted from blue to green depending on the day and her face was splattered with freckles. He was an emo geek and loved P!ATD and Twenty one pilots.bshe was hilarious.

Nico nodded
"Thank you so much Neeks!!!" Will hugged him, "your warmer than me now," He laughed.

"IL be right back," Nico promised as he owned the door, "IL be back with your heated blankets soon enough."

Leondre sat up. He had on a baggy swetshirt and jeans. He had pail skin, dark blue eyes, with messy black hair that was shaved in one side. It was dyed a smoky blue at the ends, He also had earings. But despite his aperince, he was a fluffy like cinimon roll. He was an amazing rapper and could play drums like nobody's business.

"Will I love you boyfriend- not love love but. You know what I mean."

Will laughed, "I love him too."

"What about meals," asked another one of Wills siblings from under a blanket, "I don't want to have to keep going out there."

"Ya," agreed Austin, "its way to cold man."

"I don't know," sighed, "I feel bad because we are supposed to be strong demi-gods but here we are hiding under the blankets of shame-"

"These lovely specimens arnt blankets of shame," said Jenna sitting up, "they are blankets of protection."

"I tell myself that over and over," said Becca.
They laughed and shivering as Nico rentered. "Come on up! Help me  make this fort." He said
"But it's cooOoold Neeks!" Complained Will.
The others agreed.
"Fine I have helpers," he said, "don't scream, call them dead, zombies or nasty, they don't appreciate that."
He shut his eyes, "Jacey, Albert, and Lora. Come on up" he called. Two skeletons and a undead hippy girl rose out of the ground, they looked at Nico and got on their knees, "Ghost king, Lord DiAngelo, it is an honor to be here your highness," said the tallest skeleton in a gravely voice.
"He's not very high," intergected Will.
The skeleton glared at him with his empty eye sockets. Don't know how but he did, "Your highness-" he started again.
"Who's not very high." Said Will cut in again.
The skeletons poised for attacked, "it's ok,it's ok," Nico said in an authoritative but calming voice, "that's my boyfriend Will and these," he gestured to the lumps of blankets, "are his siblings."

"As you wish Lord" The tallest skeleton rasped.

"If I may... Prince DiAngelo," the ghost girl spoke cautiously, "what have you summoned us for?"

"Well these morons refuse to get up and they need a blanket fort. I was hoping you could be of assistance."

The trio set to work. When they were done, the whole cabin was a maze if blankets, pillows and general warmth.

"Thank you thank you thank you sooooo much!" Said Becca to the creatures.

They bowed then turned to Nico, "we must be leaving now." They disappeared.

"Look at this!" Gasped Monika, "it's like a comfy warm house."

The others agreed, "It's time for dinner," said Nico smirking.

They groaned, "ugh IL be right back," said Nico walking out the door. He returned with enough plates and cups for everyone. Since that night, the Apollo cabin hasnt dreaded the winter because they know Nico will help them.

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