Language of music...

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A/n: this is based off of a headcannon where Apollo's children can speak fluent Italian and so they do that when they want to gossip and stuff. While Nico is in the infirmary, he hears will talking to him in Italian. (They don't know he is fluent)

(Nico's POV)
I trudged to the infirmary. I hate it there. Exept I keep finding excuses to go. There is one particular blue eyed son of Apollo that I have found particularly interesting. Again, I don't know why I keep going back maybe it's just an excuse to see him again? Anyway, I trudged toward the infirmary. this time I actually had a problem. I was sparring with Percy and Jason when Jason had used the winds to push me off balance Percy head straight and I had a huge gash on my upper arm. To me it wasn't that big of a deal I could easily fix it, but Will Solace would probably freak out if he knew that I didn't show him.
"It could get infected!" He would say.

I walked into the infirmary, "hey Nico, got stabbed?" Asked one of Wills siblings. I just nodded and sat down on a chair in the waiting room. It was white. White everywhere. The walls and ceiling were a blinding sanitary white that made me feel light headed. It smelled like a hospital, like cleaning supplies and over-sanitary countertops. The chairs were a mist green just like the scrubs the healers wore.

"Hey Neeks!" A voice jolted me out if my thoughts, "o geaze what did you do to yourself this time?" It was Will Solace. The cute happy go-lucky son of Apollo. His golden hair hung in his face and his bright blue eyes sparkled in the sun. I had a crush on this painfully straight demi-god. He probably had a girlfriend at home, if not there were many girls lining up. He always rejected them though.


"Ya," I looked up at him,

"Come with me so I can get you patched up."

He had me take my shirt off. I begrudgingly did so. He inspected my wound then cleaned it up.

"This is deep," he said, "it's goana take some stiches, also you have a semi-fractured rib."

My eyes widened, "what does that mean?"

"It means that you have a rib that is almost broken so if you do anything to it, it will snap." He explained, "IL go grab the stuff I need."

He walked away.

"Il medico superiore ha una cotta ora non lo fa lui." (Top medic has a crush now dosnt he?) Said one of Wills siblings. She had dark brown hair and eyes, smiling alot like most other Apollo kids. What was her name, o ya Her name was Becca! I knew that language, Italian. But why did they know it? Maybe because Italian was the language of music and Apollo is the god of music. I spoke italian fluently... I decided to keep that a secret.

Sì, i nave esso! E 'così carino come lui arrossisce quando ci racconta Nico!"
(Yes I ship it! It is so cute how he blushed when he tells us about Nico.) Said another girl. She had strawberry blonde hair and was like 6' tall with blue eyes Jenna was her name.

"egli è la mia morte ragazzo."
(He is my little death boy) imitated Becca.

Will shot them a look as if to say "shut up!"

I tried not to blush.

"egli è preoccupato perché dosnt so se Nico lo ama indietro. ma penso che lo fa." (He is worried because he didn't know if Nico likes him back.) Said a boy as he wheeled a cart past.

"vuoi smettere di parlare così liberamente di quella roba." Whined will. (Would u guys stop taking so freely about that stuff?)

"non è come si può parlare italiano" said Jenna turning to her patient. (It's not like he speeks Italian)

Will just sighed and walked towards me. I decided to play it dumb.

"What are they saying?" I asked will looking up at him.

"Nothing" he said quickly, a little too quickly.


"Shist! I forgot the nectar and thread! I will be right back Nico!"

I nodded in agreement.

"penso che siano in amore. essi litigano come una vecchia coppia sposata troppo, la sua troppo lanugine per me da gestire" Becca said. (i think they are in love. they bicker like an old married couple too, its too much fluff for me to handle.)

"egli è semplicemente troppo carino. i suoi begli occhi scuri e misteriosi che i capelli neri. è difficile non amare."  (he is just too cute. his beautiful dark eyes mysterious and That black hair. he is hard not to love.) Said Jenna mimiking Will.

I was blushing now and I hoped none of them looked my way. Will came back and started to stick up my wounds, it didn't hurt at all because before he had started, he put a numbing cream on.

"Will," I said, "what are they talking about? I heard my name and yours... It's Italian right?"

"Yup!" He said popping the 'p'.

"Penso che sia carino come lui chiama la sua piccola ombra"
(I think it's cute how he called him his little shadow.) Said Becca folding a blanket on an empty bed.

I blushed, 'little shadow'. I was the king of darkness. Not a little shadow.

piccola ombra eh. Io sono il re fantasma, molto più di un po 'di ombra. anche se, grazie per i complimenti. (little shadow huh. i am the ghost king, much more than a little shadow. although, thank you for the compliments.)

Everyone turned to look at me.
"What?" I questioned, "didn't you know I was born in Italy, how thickheaded can you be?"

"So you heard all the stuff we said?" Asked Becca slowly setting down the pillow in her hand.

I nodded.

She looked over at Jenna the second they made eye contact, they lost it. They were doubled over in laughter.

"What did you say?" Asked a panicked Will.

"Just how much you liked me and how you liked my eyes, and hair. Oh and also how I am your "little shadow" and "death boy."

He turned as read as a strawberry.

"Don't worry Will, I kinda like you too."

"hai gli occhi piacevoli e capelli pure."
(You have nice eyes and hair as well.)

Becca and Jenna left the room.

Will brought his right hand being his neck, "sooo, um, do you Wana go on a date?"

"Of course." I said with a smile, "let's go now!"

"No, no, no death boy, not untill you recover properly." He scolded pushing me back onto the cot.

"Worth a try." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

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