Chapter 7: The No-Talent Chef

Start from the beginning

"You don't hear a name like that very often. Sounds like one of those countries from the old world. Does he have a surname?"

"His surname is Wallace."

"Well, German Wallace is a mule."

"Calling people names won't get you anywhere."

"I can see why people beat you up."

"I may be completely insufferable at times, but hey, if you can bear with me, you won't regret being my friend."

"If you say so, Chuckle."

They continued to talk right up until they got to class, and met up at lunch to talk again. When Persimmon walked up to Charleston, he was sitting on the stairs reading a book.

"What are you reading?" asked Persimmon.

"A Tall Order, Volume Four," replied Charleston.

"That's Wilhelm Gogh, right? Do you think places like that could actually exist?"

"I think it makes good fiction, but I don't know what I'd do if these places were real."

"Would you want to find out?"

"Sure, I'd love to. But I don't have the adventurer's spirit."

"What do you mean?"

"Wilhelm describes his spirit as willing to take risks, and all this other stuff. That's not me."

"The adventurer's spirit is just the love of adventure. All that other stuff comes to you later– as a direct result of the adventure."

"How come you know so much about it?"

"I know a fisherman who knows an adventurer."

"Right. So what do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I want to be a chef. Actually cook something instead of just sell it. My guardian is a merchant, so for now all I can do is help him with his work."

"Well, considering I don't have what it takes to become an adventurer, how about I help you with your dream?"

"I told you, it's not about skills, it's about determination. But if you want to give up so easily, then fine."

Charleston went back to reading, and then Persimmon asked him what the book was about.

"Oh, in book four, he goes to a place called Tomcharts Land. It's a fascinating place."

They talked a bit about places they knew of from other books, until lunch had ended. At the end of the school day, they met up and said goodbye to each other as they both went their own ways to the places they called home. For Persimmon, this was a market stall where a merchant named Gumboot worked.

"Aye, lad. I take it you're all learned up today?"

"I, uh, made a friend, I guess."

"Oh, is that so? Well then, maybe it isn't all bad..."

"Nope. He's a stubborn, serious fool. And a nerd."

"And what's wrong with being a nerd?"

"I'm not the one who has a problem with it. The influential kids don't like it when other people make them look stupid."

"Ah, too smart for his own good. Well, hopefully he curbs that before it becomes illegal."

"Yeah, what's with those questioning laws?"

"I know right? You can't question them! Ha ha ha!"

"You sure you're okay to say that?"

"Why, of course, my boy. Ain't nobody but us."

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