Chapter 3: The Journey Begins

Start from the beginning

"It's a real shame we never bought that house. Our lives could have been so different," said Karnilla, at least half-serious.

"Yeah, we would have been oblivious to reality. Living a lie."

"It could've been a happy lie, though. No running, no fighting, no ruining unsuspecting lives."

"But what kind of life is that? We live in a world where a real detective, a seeker of truth, is a pirate. Doesn't that seem odd to you? Who would want to live a normal life if 'normal' means never asking questions? Never making up your own mind?"

"I don't know, but I've always been curious. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have never been nomads?"

"I don't look back, Kans, it's rarely- if ever- conducive."

They continued to argue for a bit, but it was likely that they would have to agree to disagree. In the meantime, at the stern of the ship, Cameron and Milangelo continued to talk about things they had planned to leave behind, and things that they may face moving forward.

"Even if you resent me for it, I will still be your friend. I won't let you push me away, Milangelo."

"Blech. Too much sugar in those words, you'll poison me."

"Haha. You know, I think we'll be just fine. Well, you for sure, with your two-strength capacity."

"Don't be like that. You might be able to catch up. Maybe."

Cameron laughed some more said, "I bet you like having a friend who's weaker than you. Means you don't have to be jealous of the new captain."

"Yeah, I suppose so. Four-strength bastard."

"That's the spirit, come on, I think the gym's somewhere on a lower deck."

"A gym? Well I completely forgot those existed. I suppose this was a military ship at one point."

"It would have been no matter how much you paid the officials or whoever, you know that right?"

"Haha, you underestimate the power of money."

"You overestimate the integrity of the military."

Milangelo and Cameron made their way down to the gym, but on the way stopped by a small canteen to get some snacks.

"Say, all the staff for these businesses are gone, aren't they?" Milangelo asked Cameron, kind of elated.

"Off the ship with everyone else. Who would run a sweet shop aboard a ship that isn't military, merchant, or passenger?"

They talked about the absence of people being somewhat ghostly, all things considered, as they chose their food items, and went on their way.

In Crock's quarters, James and Crock had started talking about what James' future plans were.

"You've hijacked this ship and sent it out to sea. What do you want to do next? Did you even think that far ahead?"

"I hijacked the ship because I knew the sea was a way out of the lifestyle I had been forced into for four years."

"Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Well, the thing about the sea is you either sink or swim. Or get killed by monsters."

"I can swim. And I can show monsters who's boss."

"There's a sea for those who think like you. It's called the Terminus. Mysterious place, stuff of legend, yada-yada."

James' face became rather serious, as if he were hiding a great excitement, yet at the same time, great reservation. "You mean the Terminus? You know that word means 'end' right? People go there to die."

Crock laughed as if he were twenty years younger. "You're a riot! 'People go there to die'? People go there to live! Things that boggle the mind and melt the brain! Adventures that can only be dreamed of otherwise! Man, how many years have you been with the Bureau? I bet you believed everything they told you. They don't make detectives smart there. They make 'em obedient, receptive, and responsive. Sometimes I wonder why they still use people. I'd assume it's to stop the populace from freaking out. Anyway..."

"Honestly I was with you on the Terminus part, but you lost me when you started rambling about the Bureau. You sound like a conspiracy theorist."

"Ha, I can't help it if the truth inconveniences you or makes the government look bad. Over four-thousand years of total control, and they still can't stop people from breaking away. One day, it'll all come crashing down, although I'd be surprised if any of us here live to see it."

"How about this, you dubious old man, I will go to the seventh sea, and I will find out the truth for myself."

"Oh yeah, sounds like a plan. But you'll need to get to the only entrance, from the Atlas Sea. That means travelling through the Phobos and Hephaestus Seas. That will take a while, not to mention all the stops needed to keep up supplies."

"You're very knowledgeable about all of this."

"I should be. The Turnbull Militia was more than just an army created to end wars and stop rebellions. It was intended to venture into the uncontrolled territory. A place where the world-controlling government could only get the tiniest semblance of a grip on power. I've been to the Terminus Sea."

After this, Crock became sort of silent, and would just laugh at every question James berated him with. James started to think that maybe he had been too trusting of the people he had learned from. After all, they turned on him the moment he asked about Edwin Longchest's imprisonment.

James thought of something, and changed the subject. "I noticed that we haven't been ambushed by any naval forces yet. It's so weird, I was sure they would attempt to corner us."

"Haha. You've never sailed the ocean before, have you? The thing is, the government doesn't like to expend manpower. They will come for us, but it won't be an immediate attack."

James thought on this, thanked Crock for his time, and retired to his quarters. As he was about to lied down in his bed, he had an idea: start a journal. He figured that any sailor with the spirit and enthusiasm should take the time to document their adventures.

Captain's Chronicle, First Day: 9/10/4098

Today was a quiet day. A day of talking, wondering, deciding, and intrigue. Milangelo and Cameron are good friends. It is probable that they have a long history together. Same can be said of Patricia and Karnilla. They have found some places to talk amongst themselves, and that is excellent. I have talked to both Milangelo and Crock today. Milangelo is quite happy to be the First Mate, although the term is loosely defined. He knows now that I have a higher strength threshold than he does, but is determined to reach greater levels. Crock is a man of few words and little sense, but perhaps it is I that needs to look at my own beliefs in more detail. Is he all that others say about him? Or is this a vast mischaracterisation, in a similar vein to Milangelo? In the end, I am sure that once I have their trust, I will know more about them, and surely, they will know more about me. Today is not that day.

James signing out, for the first time.

Terminus Part I: The Journey There (Draft)Where stories live. Discover now