Spending time with the family

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Chapter 41


This morning I woke up early for some unknown reason but felt really relaxed and well rested. I smiled and snuggled my back more into Johnny as he was spooning me from behind. I was about to fall asleep again when an urgent manner registered in my head. I seriously needed to pee.


I removed Johnny's hand from my slowly since I didn't want to disturb his sleep and slipped out of the bed. I looked around the floor for my clothes I was wearing last night and quickly slipped them on as carefully as I could. My ribs were a little sensitive today from last night. But I'm not complaining.


I made my way out of the room and to the bathroom in a nick of time. Once I was done I washed my hands and then made my way down the stairs. It would seem that nobody was up yet. I glanced at a clock on the wall and saw it was barely 6:42am. I sighed and went to get a glass off water then made my way to the porch.


"Oh morning Lemoyne" I said with a small smile as I stepped out of the house. She glanced up at me from the porch swing and smiled.


"Good morning dear. Sleep well?" she asked holding a mug of steaming coffee between her hands.


"Yes thank you, I did and yourself?" I asked her with a small smile of my own. She smiled and nodded.


"Come sit dear" she said patting the spot next to her. I smiled and sat next to her. We say in silence just watching a s a bird would fly past every now and then.


"It's so nice here" I said contently as I glanced around the quiet neighbourhood. Lemoyne smiled at me then nodded.


"Yeah it is. So Caleigh? How long have you and Johnny dated now?" she asked with a small smile playing at her lips.


"About three months now I think? I kind of lost time filming, but time doesn't matter me. What matters to me is the time we spend together." I smiled into the glass of water.


"He really does love you Caleigh. I know my boy and I've never seen that smile on his face when he talks about a girl." she said putting her hand on my knee as she spoke.


"I really love him too. We kind of connected from the start and at first I tried to fight my feelings because we work together but in the end I just really couldn't." I said looking Lemoyne in the eyes.


"He is a very charming young man. He reminds me so much of his dad. Well that's where it all started." she chuckled and looked ahead of her thinking. "You are the first girl in all his life that he has ever brought home."


"Really?" I asked surprised. I mean it couldn't have been. Surely he brought others home. Then again he did say I was the only girl that wasn't family that ever stepped into his room. "Not even Melanie?"


"No we would always bring her along if we would go out to eat. Other than that he would go to her. I never really got why he did that. I didn't know if he was ashamed of us or what?" she shrugged with a small frown. "He's so different with you though. The way he looks at you and talks about you. He's proud."

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