Open Your Eyes

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Author's note: This chapter has been really hard to write. I tried my best to express the idea short and well. It was one of the most emotional chapters I've written. Please let me know what you think :)


"Whats that supposed to mean?" Ema asked her doubtful 'boyfriend'. "You're one of the assassins Moriarty hired after own bloody girlfriend! Oh he is good" Ema looked at her boyfriend with disgust. Sherlock received a slap across his face for even thinking of the idea. "You're stupider than I thought Sherlock...I was doubtful of you yes, but I couldn't bring myself to stay away from you when THIS MADNESS is happening! Thats why I came after you with my assassin costume" Ema scolded the genius as he realized he's wrong and Moriarty was playing with HIS mind too.

"Look at what he's done, turning us all against each other! We have to put limits for this" John finally interfered setting them both straight as they realized how they're being controlled. The police sirens went off again "Sherlock, you and John find a safe place to hide I need to do something" Ema declared her eyes landing on a newspaper. Everything was clearer now. Sometimes you think one thing is the big story, but it turns out the big story isn't close to being revealed. Sherlock and John disappeared to Riley's apartment. While Ema decided to have a little talk with Mycroft.

Ema's POV

Mycroft's Office

"Why are you dressed up like that?" Mycroft asked me, too scared to know the answer. "Relax I didn't kill anyone just dropped a bomb to help Sherlock out" I cleared things out before Mycroft had the chance to assume shit. "And what brings you here? Shouldn't you be out with your boyfriend?" "I don't know, you should know better you're his brother you know what his life story is!" I snapped at him getting to the bottom of this.

"We can talk about this after my meeting, you can stay here I wont be late" Mycroft walked out the door, running away from the confrontation. But I wont leave, I wont leave till I understand everything happening.

To my surprise, John walked in "Ema, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Oh I think we both are here for the same reason John...I assume you got in touch with some bitch reporter?" "Yes, kitty riley" "Thats the bitch's name then" "Ema, I don't understand what the hell is going on! How could he do that? His own brother!" I've never seen John like that, so confused so puzzled.

"Dont worry, Mycroft is going to be here any second now. He'll explain everything!" He nodded "Where is Sherlock now?" "He said he needed to do something" "I'm worried John, nothing good can come from this..Jim has done a pretty good job planning this..his masterpiece" I started remembering the things Robert told me..the fairytale Jim told me about the one mother used to read us. Sir Boast a lot. Nice touch.

Mycroft walked in just in time.

"She has really done her homework, Miss Riley – things that only someone close to Sherlock could know" John greeted him.

"Aha.." Mycroft walked in the umbrella in his hand that I would probably beat him with it. ""You locked me up, thinking you're protecting Sherlock from me. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE LOCKED UP" I snapped immediately at him. John was giving him introductions but I wanted to get to the end of this.

"Have you seen your brother's address book lately? Three names: yours and mine, and Ema's and Moriarty didn't get this stuff from me or Ema" John was doing the talking for us both.

"Really wonderful Mycroft, so how does it work, then, your relationship? D'you go out for a coffee now and then, eh, you and Jim?" I asked sarcastically.

"Your own brother, and you blabbed about his entire life to this maniac" John added. Mycroft was trying to defend himself but there was nothing to say. "I never intend... I never dreamt ..."

Sherlock x OC - The Black Masquerade Mask (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin