New Identity?

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"Tell me about this Irene woman, how come you're so jealous over Sherlock from her? " Mycroft said taking a piece of cheese out of the plate. "It's just that, he seems interested in her. That cannot be good news. I mean aside from my personal feelings. Irene is a dangerous sex bomb walking planet Earth. Your brother taking an interest in her can drive him over the edge" I tried to explain.

"And what are you going to do about it? You know how he is" Mycroft asked as if challenging me. "I'll tell you what you and I are going to do about it, Mycroft" I said smirking evilly like a villain in a movie. "You and I?" Mycroft gave me a confused look. "Yes I'm glad you said that, you and I. We're going to do our best to make Irene go back to where she came from!" I said feeling the energy come back to me.

Mycroft shot me an are you crazy look... "Wow, I take it back. I think it would make something destructive you and him together. Your level of craziness has definitely increased with all your estrogen flying around somewhere in Sherlock's flat" Mycroft stated.

"Shut it Mycroft, try falling for someone. I'd really love to see that! You'd be booking a plane to hell from your panic" I snapped at him getting up from the table. I surely lost my appetite "You've lost 4 pounds, I think you need to finish your plate Viola" Mycroft warned me. "I ate half of my plate, I can't eat anymore" I said holding my stomach.

"I'll leave you alone if you come up with a proper plan to keep Sherlock's feelings out of Irene's reach" Mycroft challenged. "Alright then, I already have a plan. You won't really understand it much, but it's going to work" I said as I explained my brilliant idea to Mycroft and he seemed to be impressed. "Just make sure this doesn't effect you personally....and I have another suggestion, make sure you're extra affectionate Sherlock is very much allergic to that."

"Don't worry, I got this" I smirked. "Well, you want to perhaps move in to Sherlock's apartment? It would help" Mycroft suggested and I almost entertained the idea "Actually, I think it's a bad idea. Sherlock's apartment is too cluttered" I said shaking my head. "Fine, half of your things then. Make sure the process is annoying for him as well" Mycroft smirked. I smirked back "I don't think you need to worry about that!" I said walking to the door. "Mycroft, mind if I borrowed your car? Or will you send me with someone?" I asked.

"Ill send you with someone, and make sure it's quick. I have other important errands to run, sadly I cannot inform you of them at the moment" Mycroft said making me wonder what on earth he's talking about with all the mystery and secrecy. Such a drama queen.

Viola's Apartment

I walked inside to find my place as I left it, the nail polish and the note were safely placed on my coffee table. I picked the note up and opened it,

" Dearest Emeraude,

I've been hesitant to contact you after all this time,

When I came to london, I couldn't not get int TOUCH

And I couldn't help but be jealous

you've gotten yourself a wonderful treat.

I hope you don't mind if we share, maybe even at the same time.

I still look forward to a night together, you haven't completed the challenge yet.

Maybe put on this shade for me? I'd be very pleased.

With love,

IA. "

I rubbed my temples, this note gave me a headache. I read it over and over again, the more I read it the sicker it sounded. Me Irene and Sherlock. That is one sick twist, I'd rather hang myself.

I went to my room, started packing up all sort of weapons I had. These are for sure going to 221C but the rest of my 'girly' things are going to Sherlock's closet.

I'm pretty sure he's going to be more than irritated when I tell him the news. With that thought an idea popped into my head, "I am such a genius!" I grinned like a child walking over to my counter. I decided to make a huge chart of the things Sherlock gets annoyed with. I was going to make his life a living hell, as a favor to Mycroft of course...

I took everything I needed, but left one thing behind. My assassin costume. "I wonder if I'll need that" I thought to myself. I decided to leave it behind. I didn't want a repeat of last time's incident, some how I was sure if I took it with me Sherlock would find it at the wrong time and hell will break lose.

I looked over to my window and saw the driver still outside waiting. I picked up my things and carried them to the car with me. "It's time for a new identity, Mr.Sherlock Holmes"

Baker Street

I walked in picking up the boxes that should go into 221C first, and arranged them quickly making sure to put sensors to alert me if anyone was to go near my things. When I finished unpacking, I took my bag up to Sherlock's flat ready to annoy the hell out of him. "Good evening, beautiful people!" I walked in with a huge grin on my face. Sherlock and John were apparently in a middle of an argument because Sherlock was irritated and John was sighing.

"I said evening!" I said walking over to John and giving him a hug. "Good to see you're smiling, and filled with energy" John commented. I smiled at him and nodded. I walked over to Sherlock who had his hands clasped together in a prayer position. I went over to him and decided to begin the play "Hello Mr.Holmes" I said smiling. "Mr.Holmes?" He arched an eyebrow at me. "Yes, Mr.Holmes, I have some news for you" I said pursing my lips into a line.

"Don't bore me" Sherlock said eyeing my completely acted out reactions. "Well..." I started taking a deep breath "It looks like, we're going to be sharing your bedroom" I said shaking my head with my lips pursed down in disappointment. He frowned "We've done that before, what are you trying to say?" Sherlock asked intrigued.

"Nothing Mr.Holmes" I said smirking, I took my suitcase to his room and started arranging my things. Half of my clothes were black and the other half were red and blue I didn't wear much colors. I placed my contact lens case inside one of his drawers pushing his socks aside. I even placed a sealed make up set next to that.

I arranged my undergarments with HIS undergarments, and let me tell you I have some real nice things there. "Hmm, almost done" I admired my piece of work. "Time for my shoes!" I made sure to get all the heels I have and arrange them neatly beside Sherlock's shoes. I even got my own pair of sheets and pillow covers. I changed his plain white sheets to my red ones. And the pillow covers as well.

I took my candles out and lit two in the room making it smell like vanilla. I even put a bowl of potpourri (dried flowers) which made the room smell even more girly. Now i'm pretty sure you're wondering where all of this came from. All I could say Mycroft was generous with me.

"Hmm" I took a step back and admired my work. "No no something's missing...." I placed a bottle of wine and two glasses next to the candles and was finally done.

Let's just say the room went from looking plain to extra romantic with the flowers, candles, and red everything. I even made sure I had my perfume, and another sealed make up set on the dresser.

"My new identity is going to be a bit tough to take, darling" I muttered to myself. 

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