Irish Airlines

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The conversation kept going back and forth and none of us backed down, he was as stubborn as I was and I honestly didn't mind. I got used to our arguments, of course not the intense ones.

We were back at Baker Street, believe it or not the argument between us had escalated to him proving I'm reckless and stupid. "If I was reckless I would've been caught long ago and got my head chopped off!" He opened the door and John looked up from his laptop "See? You're proving yourself wrong! Why would your head get chopped off in the first place IF YOU WERENT RECKLESS" Sherlock argued back, yelling the last part to make it clear to me.

"Oh my god, not again" I heard John mutter. "Okay, I'm not reckless but you know what? I am stupid for agreeing to be put on a job that involves you!" I snapped at him. "Oh please, your life would be too boring without me" Sherlock said, his ego getting the best of him. I walked up to him and started poking the air around him with my knife. 

John and Sherlock both gave me weird looks "Ahhh, is it popped?" I acted like I was taking a look at something huge "Ahh no not yet, your ego is still the size of mount Everest" I saw Sherlock roll his eyes. 

"I believe you two made up?" John said interrupting whatever Sherlock was about to say. We both looked at each other and then back at him. "You could say Sherlock was being nicer than usual, of course that means plain annoying rather than being very annoying" I smirked. "You should be grateful, I don't go all around town taking people to shooting ranges" He scowled at me.

"Hold on, ...what? You, you took her out to.... a shooting range?" John asked very confused. "Yes he did, it's his way of saying soooorrrrrry" I said singing out the word sorry. I saw John looking confused at my overall happiness, and Sherlock annoyed at the way I said sorry.

 "Oh well, normal girls would go for ice cream and maybe a movie. But then again, you aren't any girl" John said smiling and shaking his head at the two of us. "Indeed, she isn't normal" Sherlock said biting into a biscuit.

"Neither are you, YOU took me to the shooting range" I said giving him a as a matter of fact look. "Oh boy, aren't you two peas? You'd make a great couple just lord watch over your kids" John said walking over to the kitchen. Sherlock and I both exchanged looks and went silent, John 1, Sherlock and I - ZERO. He knew how to shut us up this time. Good for him.

"Emeraude, you promised me last night you'd stay over for dinner" John yelled from the kitchen.

Sherlock sat down and clasped his hands together in a prayer position.

"Oh yes sure, how about I cook something?" I said walking over to him and opened the fridge to find a jar of eyeballs staring at me, I shrieked like a fish. "SHERLOCK! WHY ARE THERE EYEBALLS IN YOUR FRIDGE? HAVE YOU GONE INSANE? THIS IS WHERE YOU KEEP FOOD!" I yelled at him while he just sat there opening one eye still in the same position.

"I couldn't keep them in the microwave, that experiment was weeks ago Emeraude. Try to keep up" He said frowning. I went back to the kitchen weirded out "I'll go get some groceries, while you clean up a little bit?" John asked. "Yes of course, I'll make space for the food" I agreed and started cleaning up. "Try not to kill each other while I'm gone" John commented before he left. 

I was left with Sherlock alone, my phone started ringing a few minutes later but my hands were all soapy. "SHERLOCK CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME MY PHONE?" I yelled from the kitchen so he would hear me. 

"I'm not miles away you know, I can hear you perfectly" I heard him say. He walked over to the kitchen staring at my phone, "It says, Mycroft, ...ah you can ignore that" Sherlock said with confidence as he pressed the red button on my phone. 

I gasped "What the hell Sherlock? I never hang up on Mycroft unless I'm in a life or death situation, redial!" I explained to him. "How many of those have you had so far?" He asked eyeing me. "Plenty of those" I said.

He nodded, that was odd. "Are you gathering information about me Mr.Holmes?" He smirked at my question, "Nothing passes you Miss Emeraude" I smirked back.

"Mind dialing Mycroft's number before he sends a searching spree after me?" He nodded, "What's your passcode?" "I'm pretty sure, you know it" I said smirking at him, he actually does not but I was challenging him.

"Not once have I tried unlocking it, but I'll give it a try" He said smirking. He typed in, and he got it wrong. A frown was placed on his face "Add an MV after the ER" He did so and my phone opened up. "Mycroft speed dial 7" "Ahead of you" He dialed and put Mycroft on speakerphone.

The phone started ringing out, and Mycroft answered immediately.

"Hello Mycroft"

"I thought you were at Sherlock's, where the hell are you? Trouble?" I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I am, Sherlock pressed the red button by mistake. I'm not in trouble and if I was I wouldn't be talking to you right now" I saw Sherlock smile smugly as he listened to our phone conversation.

He pretended that he's looking for something in the cupboards.

"Why is Sherlock holding your phone?"

"I have soap on my hands? Uhm...Mycroft get to the point will you?"

"Don't leave Sherlock's tonight, someone broke in to your apartment"

"WHAT? WHAT ABOUT MY WEAPONS!?" I asked annoyed, drying my hands with a towel.

I heard Mycroft sigh in annoyance.

"Your weapons are fine. Nothing was stolen, just a letter was placed on your coffee table along with a bottle of red nail polish. Any idea what's going on?" I knew Mycroft installed cameras in my new home, which I didn't even bother lecturing about since I know it's no use.

"Uh yes, cap drowning numerical" I whispered fast. (code for cant discuss now)

"Is it about Irish Airlines?" (code for irene adler)


"Talk soon then, stay at Sherlock's, not in 221C. Have a lovely evening" With that Mycroft hung up.

"Red nail polish? A woman's trying to seduce you?" Sherlock arched an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes "Nothing passes you huh Mr.Holmes?" "Nope, nothing" I stayed silent while he stood there deep in thought. "Former lover?" He started prying wanting to know more. "Why are you so interested?" I asked confused at his sudden need to get involved in my non existent 'love' life.

He cleared his throat, "Not interested, just didn't picture you do the whole love things" I burst into laughter at his comment. "Whole love things? Do you mean relationships? Ahh, tonight's going to be very amusing!" 

"What have I missed that was so funny Miss Emeraude?" "The fact that you don't know how to describe a relationship, and that I've actually never pictured you with a girlfriend either" "Yeah, that's not really my area" Sherlock said walking back over to the couch. I followed him "Not your area? So you're into guys?" I asked looking at him. He rolled his eyes at the comment. "Not gay, I just don't do relationships either" 

"Well, in the near future you might experience some of that action Mr.Holmes" I said hinting at the plan I had in mind, for Irene Adler.

"Wha-" Sherlock was cut off by John. 

"No thank you, I don't need any help" We heard John walk in and complain about the grocery bags. I walked up to John and helped him out. We both started cooking dinner. 

I could tell Sherlock had questions. But he doesn't need to know anything yet. Soon enough, I might have to keep Irene away and there's one way to do that, I thought. A lot of exciting things ahead of us. 

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