A Slap in the Face

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I reached the detective's apartment, and went upstairs. I kicked open the door and went in, John was on his laptop and Sherlock was drinking some tea. "Good morning!" I chirped. "Do you always have a gun in hand when you walk around Emeraude?" Sherlock 'greeted' me with the question.

"Okay one, you cannot call me Emeraude. Two, this gun didn't fit in my backpack" "How many guns are in your backpack?" Sherlock arched an eyebrow. "Oh here we go" I heard John mutter. I rolled my eyes "Doesn't concern you Mr.Holmes, I have enough" I went to his chair and sat on it. "You're sitting in my seat" Sherlock said standing above my head.

I just looked at him, got a cigarette out of my pack and took a puff. "Your seat? I don't see your name written on it!" I said looking around at the chair trying to find his name on it. "Don't be stupid, get off my chair you can sit anywhere else" Sherlock scolded me this time. I took a puff and exhaled in his face

"Sorry, did you just call me stupid?" "Yes I did, what are you gonna do, shoot me with your gun?" Sherlock snapped at me. He was clearly ALREADY annoyed at me. "Wait, are you upset about last night Mr.Holmes?" I asked him getting up from his seat and stood facing him.

"It would've been nice if you gave us a bit of heads up instead of the whole 'do you trust me' talk before you left to the pool" He fake smiled at me. "I didn't think I'd have to come out, but when John did an unexpected reaction I had to step in and keep things under control in the least suspicious way possible Mr.Holmes" I snapped back at him.

"Oh really? So this is my fault now!" John stepped in. "I'm not saying it's your fault John, I'm just explaining myself" I said trying to keep a respectful tone with John. "Explaining yourself? There's nothing to explain, you messed up just take the blame and don't get all defensive ANNA" Sherlock said talking so fast that I could barely understand what he said, except of course his emphasis on the name Anna.

"What the hell Sherlock? You have a grudge against me just because I lied to you about my identity and silly things like that? After all we've been through!" I saw him roll his eyes at me this time and I was the one getting pissed off now.

"All we've been through? I believe you've saved my life once in the circus. I don't recall anything other than that happening, do you John?" Sherlock was being an utter cock at the moment. John started rubbing his temples again clearly our little dispute is giving him a headache.

"OHHHH OKAY! SO IT IS MY FAULT FOR SAVING YOUR ASS BACK THERE! YOU'RE UNTOUCHABLE YOU'RE SHERLOCK HOLMES! WHY CANT YOU BE GRATEFUL?" I felt heat coming up to my face and couldn't help but yell. He doesn't know yet, that I've saved his ass every time! I've put my life in danger for him, and was ready to do more.

"What are you getting so worked up over?! I believe Mycroft is giving you a good share of money to be up my ass all the time!!" He snapped back at me. "ITS NOT ABOUT MONEY, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS BRING THAT UP?!" I smacked my hands on the table in front of him.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE ANNOYING!" He said standing up from his seat and smacking his hands on the table now too. "ENOUGH! FOR GOD'S SAKE! HELL FALLS BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU WHENEVER YOU'RE IN THE SAME ROOM!...." John was yelling at us now it isn't pretty when John yells "ACT YOUR AGES FOR ONCE!"

We were both looking at a fuming John right now. Sherlock chose to ignore his friend and go on "You act like you care, but all you care about is what my brother has to offer, money that's all you need to be strong and money gives you strength it's the only thing you lacked all your life, and what's worse is that Mycroft can be stupid sometimes you're no easy girl. You can very easily manipulate anyone you want and make them dance for you...you're just like your brother" Sherlock said, his tone was sharp and then turned into utter disgust.

I was glaring daggers at him, the last sentence hit me hard and I felt my whole face go numb from anger. I slapped him right across the face, not with all my power, just a gesture to make him know this time he crossed a line, he messed up.

I noticed my breathing was heavy, and I really was worked up, but it's because of the things he said. It's demeaning, he made me sound like a poor person with no dignity, that I was inhumane and money was everything to me. What sucked the most, is that he believes John and him are just another two people in my life.

"Sherlock..." John muttered and shook his head, he came over to me and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Ems, sit down I don't want you hyperventilating again" John said trying to calm me down. It felt weird, to be hurt I haven't felt hurt for a long time.

Physical pain, that I was used to. But emotional pain, no sir. I felt the urge to kill someone right now, destroy things, have blood squirted on my hands. I removed John's hand as gently as I could, and straightened up from the table.

I couldn't bring myself to look at Sherlock, he walked all over my dignity with no care in the world. All I could see is red that's how angry I was my inner monster was out and I couldn't be near any human being anymore.

I picked up my backpack and walked to the door only to be stopped by John's hand again, "Ema-" "Let go, John no disrespect but my state of mind can lead me to do unspeakable things right now" I muttered in a low voice to him, my throat was already hurting from all the screaming enough is enough.

I walked out of the door leaving a shocked John Watson behind me. And probably a satisfied Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock's POV

"BECAUSE YOU'RE ANNOYING!" I said standing up from my seat, smacking my hands on the table now just like Emeraude did a while ago. "ENOUGH! FOR GOD'S SAKE! HELL FALLS BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU WHENEVER YOU'RE IN THE SAME ROOM!...." John was scolding us like little kids "ACT YOUR AGES FOR ONCE!" there it is.

We were both looking at a fuming John right now. For some reason I chose to ignore John and go on "You act like you care, but all you care about is what my brother has to offer, money that's all you need to be strong and money gives you strength it's the only thing you lacked all your life, and what's worse is that Mycroft can be stupid sometimes you're no easy girl. You can very easily manipulate anyone you want and make them dance for you...you're just like your brother"

I snapped at Emeraude, it's irritating to put up with her fake acts all the time. She can do her job without acting out dramatic scenes in front of me and John. What pisses me off even more, is that Mycroft is being manipulated by her. She could easily turn on us and no one would know. The instability that she's leading us on with is too much and it should sto-

I felt a painful sting on my cheek, Emeraude slapped me, and I can tell the way she slapped me was not full power, I know she's stronger than this. To say I wasn't shocked I'd be lying. I haven't expected that at all. My hand went up to my cheek as I looked at her, her fake wig bangs covering her face, hands still on the table, shaking. Breathing heavily, and her face was red.

I could tell she was trying to calm down because she was starting to hyperventilate. I might have crossed a line this time then. "Sherlock..." John muttered and shook his head, he walked over to Emeraude and rested a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her through physical contact. "Ems, sit down I don't want you hyperventilating again" John requested of her. No response came out of her, her position still the same.

She tried to remove John's hand gently, and straightened up from the table.

She picked up her bag and walked to the door only to be stopped by John's hand again, "Ema-" "Let go, John no disrespect but my state of mind can lead me to do unspeakable things right now" I heard her mutter in a low voice to him.

It just made me wonder what kind of unspeakable things she used to do, her black wig hair always made her seem like a dangerous figure. But I suppose it's just a stereotype that is. Black hair, dark clothes etcetera...

"Sherlock, what the hell was that?" John walked over to me. I sighed annoyed from his question "I was just stating a fact" I said not bothered by his question. "You stepped all over her, this is not stating facts, you crushed the poor girl!" John was scolding me now. "I didn't crush her, it's the truth, an assassin isn't that sensitive don't worry"

"You shoved the truth in her face!" "She knows who she's dealing with, she should've expected that in the first place John. She knows what I'm like and if she cant handle it then she doesn't deserve the job" I snapped at John shutting him up completely. 

Sherlock x OC - The Black Masquerade Mask (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora