Something New

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"Why would you do that? Mycroft I don't see the logic in this!" I snapped at Mycroft. I was fuming with anger from the earlier news. "I had to, you understand I had to" Mycroft said quietly. "Why? Was there a gun to your head asking you to release Jim?" I took out a cigarette and lit it. "You offered him something didn't you?" I asked in doubt Mycroft sighed. "No, look we couldn't keep him in any longer...thats why I released him"

"You're a fucking liar Mycroft. What did he ask for? He wants Sherlock destroyed what did you give him? What would destroy Sherlock Holmes?" I was yelling at Mycroft he wasn't going to tell me. Why would he release Jim all of a sudden? With Jim out of the cell he's locked up in, he's roaming London freely. Which meant, Sherlock is in danger. And Mycroft has locked me up for a week because he's paranoid I might start working against him WITH Jim. Of course after I've knocked some sense into him he set me free but he wanted me out of the country to be sure.

"Ema, I'm not lying I wouldn't put my brother's life in danger like that" Mycroft insisted. I nodded at him "Fine, I don't believe you but I will drop it for now. And I wont leave the country. You asking me to leave the country makes me even doubt you more" I truthfully confessed. "You cannot be anywhere near Sherlock. If Jim is going to make a move he's surely going to ask for your help and I cant trust you to have no contact with him" Mycroft was driving me crazy.

"So you're sure Jim is going to do something. I'm not a detective but I know for a fact that you've done something that's confirming that you gave him material to work with. I'm not an idiot. And if you did give him something to threaten Sherlock's life you aren't one to talk about locking me up AGAIN thinking I'd be a threat to Sherlock" I snapped at Mycroft stomping my cigarette in the ashtray.

"Listen, I wont contact Jim. I promise. I wont, I'd have him chop my head off before I say anything, I'd never do anything to harm Sherlock I'm in love with him! I'd do anything to protect him!" I snapped at him as he looked at me with wide eyes and then cleared his throat. "That took a lot of admit" He sighed...

 "Two options Ema, leave the country or get locked up until Jim strikes..Not long ago you promised him you'd help him once he was out of prison" Mycroft bitched. "Actually if you were listening properly I said I'd run away with him and dad to start a new life but you don't see me doing that do you? Do you think I'd openly say that in front of cameras? Have you gone stupid Mycroft?"

"Fine, I need to bug your phone then every phone call you get I can listen to it, with a GPS to know where you are at all times" Mycroft agreed with these conditions I nodded "Fine, have it your way I don't care bug my phone I'm glad to prove your theories wrong" I handed him my phone as he opened it and called one of the office workers to probably put something in it.

A while later

I left to Baker Street. I had to stay beside Sherlock at all times, if I'm with him I can ensure he's going to be fine. I walked up to the flat, Sherlock was checking something on his microscope and John was just out of the shower.

"Ema you're back" John greeted me. Sherlock looked up from his microscope "You disappeared for almost a week where were you?" "I missed you guys too" I sighed walking to the kitchen grabbing a cup of tea. "So...where did you disappear to?" John asked eyeing me. "Mycroft locked me up for reasons I cannot say" I confessed taking a sip of my tea. "Did you do anything?" Sherlock asked walking up to me.

"No, but he was doubtful of me. Jim was locked up for a while I didn't tell you guys this and-" Sherlock cut me off "He locked you up because something big is coming he didn't want Jim to take advantage of you against him" I looked up at the smart guy. "Exactly" I breathed out. 

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