Jealous? Of course Not!

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"Mycroft I was in a middle of a case" Sherlock said raising his tone clearly annoyed. "The hiker and the backfire? I glanced at the police report a bit obvious isn't it?" Mycroft asked. "Transparent" I heard Sherlock say. "Time to move on then," Mycroft cleared his throat picking up the clothes and looking at me "What?" I asked Mycroft. He turned his back to me getting the hint I don't want to get involved in Sherlock's clothes. "We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation, Sherlock Holmes put your trousers on" Mycroft said formally. Sherlock just kept annoying Mycroft, he was so good at it might I add. "What for?"

"Your client" Mycroft said. I picked up my phone and zoned out. This was going to take a while.

I saw a guy named Henry walk in and greet Mycroft. "Emeraude" Mycroft cleared his throat. I popped my gum once more "What?" I looked at him then got the hint that I'm being 'rude' I stood up "Hello Harry.. uhh sorry Henry" Sherlock was chuckling at my actions. Mycroft really was entertaining. They said their greetings and hellos while I started playing a game on my phone.

"Mycroft I don't do anonymous clients" Sherlock started walking off when Mycroft stepped on his sheet. "This day has been full of nudeness!" I commented popping my gum. "This is a matter of national importance, grow up!" Mycroft said pissed off. "Get off my sheet!" Sherlock said gritting his teeth annoyed at his brother's act. "Or what?" Mycroft asked challenging him. "Or, I'll just walk away!" Sherlock said simply not giving a damn. "I'll let you!" Mycroft said daring him. "Boys please not here" John said butting in being the grown up this time.

"Oh my god, this is taking ages!" I sighed annoyed. "You're supposed to be watching him! It's your fault for letting him come this way" "FINE" I took the gun out of the bag and walked over to Sherlock ready to start making a scene. "PUT YOUR GUN AWAY NOW!" Mycroft scolded me, AGAIN. "Sherlock, put your damn clothes on we don't have all day" I said not even bothering to point the gun at him. Mycroft would rip my head off if I made a scene in front of Harry, Henry whatever his name was.

"WHO . IS . MY . CLIENT?" Sherlock asked super annoyed. "Take a look at where you're standing and make a deduction. You;re about to be engaged by the highest in the land now...FOR GOD'S SAKE...put your clothes on!" Mycroft started to yell but kept his voice tone low.

Sherlock took a deep breath and turned around to where the clothes are. "Emeraude, direct him to the nearest rest room" Mycroft said giving me his clothes. More like shoving them in my face.

We left to the rest room and I gave him his clothes. "Move it Sherlock, Mycroft's going to have my head for dinner" I said rolling my eyes at him as he entered the rest room. "Relax, he's always uptight" Sherlock said as if trying to comfort me. "I couldn't agree more!" I said agreeing with him. I waited outside for him as he finished getting dressed. He walked out of the rest room "Let's go shall we?" I asked glancing at him, relieved that he's gotten out of that sheet. He nodded "Hold on" I said walking over to him. He stopped and looked at me as I leaned over to his face, tip toeing to reach his collar and fixing it. I leaned backwards slowly and realized our faces were too damn close, our eyes locked both of us not moving, my hands still around his neck holding his collar and he was just standing still. He suddenly cleared his throat and broke eye contact leaning backwards a little bit, making me lose balance. He held both of my wrists to keep me from falling. I looked up at him, his hands still around my wrists and our eyes locked once again I cleared my throat this time "Uhh sorry I- um..-" I started but I was too nervous with his eyes on me. "I know, you're clumsy no need to explain" He said letting go of my wrists as he walked away. "What a jerk" I muttered under my breath.

We entered the room again where they were sitting. John and Mycroft both exchanging glances between us. I ignored that and sat next to Mycroft with one leg over the other. "I hope you disposed your gum in the bin" Mycroft leaned over and whispered to me. I just rolled my eyes taking the hint to stop popping it.

I took my phone out and continued playing my game, I was playing a game of chess and was losing mostly because I don't know the proper rules. Mycroft started rambling and Sherlock kept snapping at him and Henry.

"What do you know about this woman?" Mycroft said opening his briefcase and handing Sherlock some pictures of Irene Adler. I paused my game and watched Sherlock's reaction, "Nothing what so ever" He said blankly.

"Then you should be paying more attention, she's been in the center of two political scandals, in the last year and recently ended the marriage of a prominent novelist, by having an affair with both participants...seperately" Mycroft explained.

"You know I don't concern myself with trivia...Who is she?" Sherlock asked.

"Irene Adler, professionally known as...the woman" Mycroft said.

"Professionally?" John asked confused.

"There are many names for what she does, she prefers dominatrix" Mycroft said as Sherlock repeated "Dominatrix" "Don't be alarmed it it has to do with sex" Mycroft said amused. "Sex doesn't alarm me" Sherlock said in annoyance. Mycroft smirked "How would you know?" I snorted. Sherlock's expression remained irritated yet blank. "She provides shall we say recreational scoldings for those who enjoy that sort of thing and are prepare to pay for it there are all from her website" Mycroft handed him some pictures. He flipped through them, with an expression that gave nothing away, I wasn't sure what was I expecting anyway but I wanted to see how he would react I guess. "And I assume this Adler woman has some compromising photographs?" He started. "Very quick Mr.Holmes" Henry said. "Hardly difficult deduction"

'What a show off, I wonder if he's at all interested in Irene, it irked me for some reason that HE was going to deal with HER' 'What do I even care, he's a guy after all he can be interested, it's not like I'm jealous' 'That's exactly what you are' "Ughh damn it!" I muttered under my breath receiving looks from all four men around me. I slapped myself mentally, 'maybe I am jealous just because.. I don't know I'm jealous because..' I rolled my eyes again and tried to control my thoughts. "Oh that is a dominatrix" I heard Sherlock say. I glared at him, his expression seemed very pleased as if IMPRESSED. It just annoyed me even more... "Emeraude you coming?" John asked. I looked at Mycroft and he shook his head. "I'll follow you in a while"

Back at Mycroft's office

"Is everything okay Viola? You look agitated" Mycroft asked me eyeing the second cigarette I've smoked since we reached. Which was ten minutes ago. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just worried your brother seemed interested in her" I explained to Mycroft. He rose his eyebrows at me and slightly crooked his head to the side "Are you jealous?" He said with a smirk on his face. "No Mycroft, I'm not jealous I just don't want your brother liking her or anything like that. His interest is not something well, you know for his sake I'm saying" I inhaled a puff of my cigarette and tried to relax. "I know, don't be paranoid. Sherlock has never taken interest in a woman before, that way" He said reassuring me. "Alright, whatever um you needed me to stay?" I asked Mycroft. "I actually did, but I believe you're not going to be very helpful with your mind over with Sherlock" He smirked at me. "Just what are you implying?" I asked him irritated even more now.

He pursed his lips in a line and said "Nothing, you may leave. DO look after Sherlock for me, for my sake" He said that chuckling like an annoying sod. I gave him a fake smile and walked out picking my bag with one hand. "That eager..." I heard Mycroft mutter after me.

Okay, one I was not eager but just worried for the sake of Sherlock. He's gullible when it comes to feelings. I took out my phone and started searching for Sherlock's location. It alerted me to Irene Adler's place. I took a deep breath and headed there hoping she didn't charm him yet. 

'What was I even thinking, Sherlock is smart he's not going to be charmed by her!' Or so I hopped so, but that hope was very very very deep inside my brain in a box locked up that I wasn't sure it existed. 

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