Tears of ...

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We all sat down on the couch listening to the boring man it was taking him forever to talk wipe his nose and be annoying. I texted Mycroft that Sherlock had a new case. My phone rang and I went outside to take it. "Hello Mycroft" "Viola, leave everything and come at once" He said hanging up in my face.

I went back in to see Sherlock sniffing the smoke exhaled by Henry. "Oh my..." I cleared my throat "Guys, Mycroft has something new for me I'll be back later" I said loading my backpack with weapons. "Are you going into war?" Sherlock asked eyeing me. "It's always war when it comes to Mycroft" I said walking out the door and shutting it behind me.

I took off to Mycroft's office and was greeted by two annoying men at the front. "We need to see your card please" "Excuse me? I always come here with no card please get out of my face" I said getting ready to pull a gun out. "How do you get in with no card? SECURITY!" I gasped "What the hell? I'm here for Mr.Mycroft Holmes!" I snapped taking my gun out already as five security men suddenly appeared pointing their guns at me. "Put your gun down now, you're in no place to be threatening us"

"Gentlemen, please put your weapons down. This is Miss Emeraude she's with me" Mycroft came in dramatically saving me. "Yeah that's right get the fuck out of my face assholes" "Language Ema!" Mycroft scolded as we headed of to his work office.

"A card will be made under your name, you shall not abuse it do you understand Viola?" Mycroft asked waiting for my response. "I wont abuse it, what does this card do anyway?" I asked snapping pissed from earlier. "A lot of high security places can be opened for you" Mycroft replied passing me a cup of tea. "Aha, cool" I said taking a piece of gum out. "Oh lord, do you happen to chew gum to annoy me?" Mycroft said irritated already at me.

"Jeez, why do you have your knickers in a twist? I'm not even popping it...yet" He rolled his eyes "Can we please get down to business now?" "Can you please stop questioning me about fucking gum so we actually get some business down?" I snapped back being witty. But it came out stupid probably. Mycroft sighed "Fucking gum?...You're beginning to sound alike like Sherlock lately" Mycroft stated flatly. "HEY!" I snapped at him, again. "Keep it down, jeez Viola too much sugar this morning" I rolled my eyes. "Please start talking!"

"Jim is locked up" Mycroft started clearing his throat. I looked up at him silently listening. "He has acquired a few things...data we require." I stayed silent "How are you feeling about this?" Mycroft asked. "Good, he deserves it..." I said, wanting to inform him of the new information but stayed silent. "Your dad and a Mr.Enzo are working with him... They're locked up too" I scowled "Excuse me? You locked my dad up?" I asked trying to keep my temper under control.

"Yes, he's been doing illegal work behind our back" "What illegal work?" I asked my temper rising. "He's involved in an underground mafia...working with terrorists...etcetera etcetera" Mycroft said watching my reaction. I nodded my head "Certainly fucking good news my dad's involved with terrorists now? He cant be! He's not me he's not tough" I was shocked to no end. Mycroft was lying..lying his ass off!

"I think you're blinded, your whole family is dangerous...don't know why" Mycroft said looking down at his hands. "Why the fuck are you lying your ass off Mycroft fucking Holmes?" He arched an eyebrow at me "Don't snap out and Viola about the whole thing" "Excuse me? Did you just use my name as an adjective of a person who has like fucking anger issues or something?" I snapped standing up. "As if you don't" I heard him mumble "What the fuck was that?"  "Sit down Viola, this is a huge issue if you want your dad alive we're going to need you to speak to him, Jim, and this Enzo guy. Acquire the information we need as soon as possible" Mycroft explained as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"No way, I can't go against my dad. Jim okay Enzo okay but other than that forget it" I stated making my decision. Mycroft sighed "Deal, but your dad is not getting out until we know the issue with the terrorists I'll hand you a file to read about the information we need" I sighed irritated. "Mycroft, don't you have people to do this for you?" "I do, I have you doing this for me" Mycroft stated flatly as I rolled my eyes.

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