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Elizabeth's POV

"No, if there was any progress you wouldn't see me frustrated like that" Mr.Holmes answered his british accent so thick and he sounded so sarcastic. "Jeez Mr.Holmes have sex, drink a beer whatever would calm you down" I said taking a drag of my cigarette. "I prefer not to, things like that tend to slow me down. But thanks for your offer" Mr.Assface said looking at me in a very serious way. l gasped not believing what he just said to me.

Oh my god.


"You sound like the nerds at my school...have sex? drink beer? No I'm scared!" I said imitating nerdy guys. "Such virgins" I continued pressing on the matter to piss him off. "Sex doesn't scare me" Mr.Holmes said irritated and defensive. "Haha exactly what virgins say!" I said taking a last puff out of my cigarette. "Look, I don't care about sex or alcohol or whatever you teenagers do. This all doesn't interest me, really" Mr.Holmes said shaking the subject off, he sat down trying to shut me out of his mind. So he is a virgin. "Right, you're only interested in your cases" I said getting up to leave. "You're not one to talk little miss virgin" He said with his eyes closed and his hands clasped together in their usual praying position. I stopped in my tracks "How on earth could you possibly know that?" I asked turning around to look at him. "You don't need to know that now do you?" Mr.Holmes smirked.

Just then John walked in, Mr.Holmes stood up and ruffled his hair a bit. "We need to get some air, we're going out" Mr.Holmes said. "Actually I have a date" John replied. "What?" Mr.Holmes asked completely confused and shocked a bit. "It's two people who like each other go out and have fun" John said explaining what a date is.

I chuckled at his reply, "That's what I was suggesting" Mr.Holmes said frowning. "No it wasn't...At least I hope not" John said smiling at his friend. Mr.Holmes shifted in his position a bit "Where are you taking her?" He asked. "Um cinema" John said. "Ahh dull, boring, predictable...why don't you try this?" Mr.Holmes said walking over to John and handing him a piece of paper.

"In London, for one night only" Mr.Holmes said confidently.

John chuckled shaking his head "Thanks but I don't come to you for dating advice."

"Good luck on your date John, what are you going to wear?" I asked smiling. "I'm not sure...maybe-" He started but I cut him off. "Let me help you" I said walking into his room before him. He followed me to his room.

"You're serious about her? Or just a first date thing?" I asked John.

"Well, it's a first date but she seems interested" John said opening his closet and taking some clothes out.

I started looking through some of his clothes "I think this would suit you perfectly" I said picking a nice brown blazer, and a button up shirt. "Nice choice, I was thinking of that!" John said smiling. I smiled back "Well I'll see you later, good luck!" I said walking out. "Thanks Elizabeth" I heard John saying as I closed his bedroom door behind me.

I went over to the living room, just then Mr.Holmes came up to me and grabbed my shoulders with his hands "You're going out with me tonight" He said giving me an intimidating look.

"What?" I frowned at his question not quiet comprehending his sudden approach.

"You're going out with me tonight, get your ears checked I hate repeating myself" Mr.Holmes said rolling his eyes. I pushed his hands back "Ugh, okay one thanks for your offer but this is not how you ask a person out on a date Mr-" I said but he cut me off

"This isn't a date-" Mr.Holmes said but I cut him off just like he did "Ohh you're jealous 'cause John is going out with someone who isn't you" I said chuckling. He frowned and gave me a what the hell look.

"What? No, I'd like you to accompany me somewhere, this isn't a date. I consider myself married to my work and would never think of getting onto romantic love dates or whatever you girls call it" Mr.Holmes said.

It sounded kind of funny because it was genuine. He really did not know how these things work, and it kind of reminded me of myself. Of course I wasn't about to refuse this was way easier than following him around anyway.

"Where are we going?" I asked crossing my arms in front of my chest. I wanted to make him suffer a bit and make this difficult for him. "First, I need you to convince John to take his date to the circus. Tell him I've asked you on a date and you don't want to hang out with me alone"

"No, that's weird he'll know something is up... it's weird and he'll realize it" I said toying with him a little.

"Exactly, that's why he'll come" He said fake smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to the John's room, I knocked at the door "Come in" I heard John say.

I walked in and there he was all dressed up messing around with his hair "It looks fine like that" I said commenting on his hair. "Oh okay I'll keep it that way then" John said smiling. "Yeah, umm I have a request actually. Can you take your date to that circus Mr.Holmes told you about? He's taking me out with him and um it feels weird to go alone" I said making sure I looked nervous, I played with the sleeve of my hoodie and kept looking down.

"And um you want to go? You could've easily declined" John said confused. "Umm, well I kind of want to go, I've never been to a circus before and it sounded fun. I've been buried in my studies for a while you know. A bit stressing..." I said.

Knowing John, he takes me as a little sister so he wouldn't say no to this now.

"Well okay, let's do that then. It's a double date...I guess" John said still confused. "Thank you John, that means a lot. I really feel like you're a older brother to me. A brother I never had" I said thanking him, of course this was just manipulation but somehow inside me I felt a bit of emotions stir up. Brotherly ones. "You know, somehow I feel like you're a long lost sister for me too Elizabeth" John said clearing his throat, clearly nervous that he said that. Probably a bad history with one of his sisters. I smiled at him and walked out. "Wait Elizabeth" I heard John say so I turned around "I have a question for you just don't freak out about it" He said almost preparing me. I nodded.

"Do you have feelings for Sherlock? I mean it's fine, he is quiet older than you but you two are-" John was crazy to think that.

"What! No of course not, I don't even know him and exactly he is waaaaayy too old for me" I said shaking my head laughing a bit. "Oh okay thought you guys would click though" John said looking back in the mirror. "Why would you think that?" I asked bit curious.

"It's just you two are alike in some ways I guess" John said shrugging his shoulders. "Oh okay, well yeah I would never think of him that way" I said reassuring him.

"Yeah, well see you tonight then" John said. "Yup" I said walking out the bedroom door I saw Mr.Holmes leaning against his window looking out, but something caught my eye, he was holding my pocket knife... "Excellent work, don't be late tonight" Mr.Holmes said not turning to look at me. "Can i wear those to the circus?" I asked pointing to my hoodie. "Wear whatever makes you comfortable" He turned around I could see him rolling his eyes as if tired from all the talking he's done today.


How do you think the date will go? Is Sherlock going to find out her true identity  if she tries to save him? Do you think he knows who she is? Tell me your thoughts! Happy reading :D xx

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