One Zero

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Here's a long chapter, will be updating tonight hopefully!

We walked out of Mycroft's office, both of us silent. I cleared my throat "That was beautiful..Sherlock" I said, and I meant it I was really impressed. "Thank you, I think this is the first time you genuinely compliment me" Sherlock said walking by my side looking straight ahead as we got in the car. "How are you feeling?" I asked eyeing him as he sat next to me in the car.

"Very good" He said flatly. "I hope so..." he ignored "Part of you wanted-" "No Ema, part of me might have wanted something, but to know that she's dealing with the consulting criminal...she's far more dangerous.... love cannot ever happen. She can not be trusted" I looked at him, his words came out flat, with no emotions.

I nodded "You're right, love is dangerous, it can never happen for people like us" "It is a huge disadvantage..." He started chuckling, his grin so beautiful looking at him smiling like that made my heart melt 

"I can't believe you and Irene have such a history's a little shocking you...a lesbian" Sherlock said arching an eyebrow at me. I frowned "Sherlock, you know well that I don't swing that way!" He smirked "I can't swing that way" He said in a serious tone now, and I looked at him confusion "What?" I asked snapping a little bit, I needed to know what he's thinking of.

He turned to look at me, and his gaze landed on my lips, back to my eyes and his face got closer, he was slowly leaning in and I froze. His face was inches from mine and I gotta say I've been in loads of nerve wrecking situations, but this was different. Sherlock got even closer, and reached my ear to whisper "You can't swing that way...because I'm a male" My eyes completely widened at his words.

He leaned back to his seat and smiled confidently. I was still in shock and I wanted to snap at him who the hell says such things! Sherlock does. "Sherlock Holmes, just what are you implying?" I said trying to keep my cool. 

"I'm not implying anything, I'm just stating a fact" He said a smirk plastered on his face while I was actually fuming. "AND WHAT IS THE FACT??YOU'RE WRONG!" I asked snapping at him now. "Oh look, we're here" He said shortly opening the door quickly and getting out of the car. 'the nerve this guy has!' I thought to myself annoyed, as I got out of the car and followed upstairs.

"Ema, Sherlock where were you two?" John asked coming to the door a bit worried. "Sherlock solved the case" I said taking my coat off to hang it on the rack. "My coat goes here put yours next to it" Sherlock's voice came. "Um I think I placed my coat here first so you take your coat and shove it somewhere else SHERLOCK" I said snapping at him, I was pissed off.

He arched an eyebrow "What happened? Two minutes ago you were fine" Sherlock asked me confused at my reaction. "Oh dear God, can you two pause the bickering for now and tell me what happened with Irene?" John asked looking in between us. I was glaring so much at Sherlock I thought my eyes were going to flip.

I turned to John "Ahh well we got rid of her, Sherlock will tell you how it happened" I said clearing my throat and I went over to the kitchen pouring myself a glass of whiskey and heading straight to the bedroom.

OKAY seriously what is going on, I think Sherlock knows, wait I think? He definitely knows! The first time in the hospital, and then now in the car...I could easily tell him this was an act. It would be really easy. 

But then again, that night we shared wine in his bed we were both being honest i don't think he'd buy it. Ugh I needed advice... I decided to call Robert, I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.


"Robert hi"

"Uh oh, trouble?" He asked, I sighed.

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