Let's Panic

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Moriarty went wild his obsession is growing with Sherlock. I'm not sure what's coming next but I can assume nothing too good. I followed Sherlock to St. Bart's along with John and listened to them talk. I was anxious for just waiting around. "...The woman on the phone, the crying woman" "She's just a hostage no lead there" Sherlock said. "What a nice way to talk about the poor woman, she could be a mother for God's sake!" I scolded Sherlock he glared at me. "This is useless information, a mother or not she has nothing to do with the killer" He said.

"Mr.Holmes what I meant was don't you care if she had kids, and she died, the kids would have to go to an orphanage" I bitched back at him. "Oh, well does caring help change anything, Miss Elizabeth? Is that even your real name?" He confidently said that mocking me.

Just then his phone beeped, "John could you pass me my phone?" ugh how lazy can this guy be! What an utterly obnoxious sod. "It's your brother, a text" John said looking at the phone in hand. I was sure he's up his ass about some guy's case. "Delete it" John looked surprised, "Delete it?" He asked Sherlock not sure about this. "Why, you are so rude. He's family." I said butting in to annoy him. "You know, your role as the baby sitter should be done by now, you shouldn't be lecturing about family when you don't even talk to yours" Sherlock so coldly stared at me. Him saying that wasn't painful, but ironic. I don't talk to my mother because she's well, dead, and my brother is just an evil bastard. I was lost in thought after Mr.Holmes shut me up with his comment. I walked out of the room to get something to drink, or smoke. my face felt heated up and I needed to chill.

On the way out I looked back and saw Molly enter with someone else, I thought for a second I saw someone familiar but it was just a glance. I didn't pay any attention. I was curious so I decided to go back and see who it was, I looked through the door and sure enough.

Moriarty in the flesh, I arranged my wig properly, and let the bangs cover my eyes. I put on my hoodie and walked in straight pretending to text on my phone.

"So you're Sherlock Holmes, Molly's told me all about you! Are you on one of your cases?" I heard Moriarty very enthusiastically ask Sherlock while he didn't pay him any attention. 

He was acting like an actual dork. I was shocked to every layer in my body, he's playing gay? Why? Oh god, he's really gone insane. "Jim works in IT upstairs, thats how we met, office romance" Molly chuckled along with 'Jim' . Oh poor girl, going to get her heart broken. 

"Gay" was the one word I heard Sherlock say. "Sorry what?" Molly was confused as to why Sherlock would say something like that. "Nothing umm hey" Sherlock said unsure. 

Just then, Moriarty dropped an aluminum bowl and I could see he put a piece of paper under it before returning the bowl to its place. He was making a mess, trying to grab attention, I continued 'texting' on my phone. "I better be off, Ill see you at the fox sixish?" Jim carried on with the play. 

Im really thinking of taking my hoodie and wig off, and just see what his reaction would be. But I couldn't risk it, I don't know how he would react to that. He's a crazy person that should be in an asylum I remember all the nights he freaked me out with scary stories, I didn't realize I'd grow up and he'd take a role in one of the stories. He's always loved villains in fairytales, he loved weird things, he loved to mess with people. It was all under control, until he killed mother. I can never ever forget the night.

"Earth to Elizabeth!" Someone touched my shoulder and my fast reflex got the better of me all the thoughts were dragging me into a blackhole were I went blind and couldn't see it was John. 

I had his wrists locked in together and a gun pointed at him. My hand was shaking and my breathing was so fast I thought I would start having a panic attack. Even my vision was a little blurry, all I could hear in my head was his voice that night... "I thought Mycroft hired you to protect me not kill my flatmate" Sherlock commented as he made his way over to me, I was still in shock I released John quickly and lowered the gun looking at the ground. "Care to explain?" Sherlock was a few inches away from me, he grabbed my hand and took the gun away from me.

 I stayed silent, I couldn't move my mouth to speak, all I could see was him, and I was in a trance. His presence probably affected me that much, I never knew how much, until now I guess. 

My breathing kept getting faster and faster I was hyperventilating "I cant breathe I cant breathe" I couldn't hear my own voice "Why is my voice- ..." I suddenly broke out of it, Sherlock's hands were on my shoulders and he was talking to me "Look at me Elizabeth, open your eyes!" I realized my eyes were shut tightly and all this was going on in my head. 

"Sherlock" an almost whisper came out of my mouth I opened my eyes and was looking directly at his blue green eyes. I looked to my side and John was kneeling beside me "Oh my god, John I'm so sorry, I-I ...uhh I have no idea..what happened" John nodded "Glad you're okay now, you had a panic attack. What's going on ?"

"I- umm nothing I got sucked into my thoughts again just some past issues" I said clearing my throat. Sherlock let go of me "I know when you're lying" 

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