Masquerade Mask

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I followed to where the tracker was. It was an apartment, I saw Mr.Holmes get down from a cab along with John and some other guy. I assumed there was either a murder there or the killer's apartment. I parked my motorcycle a few kms away from the apartment and waited for anything suspicious to happen.

A few minutes later they walked out in a rush and called a cab.

While they were on the main streets, I was following up but taking the alleyways route.

The tracker has stopped and it showed a library.

West Kensignton library, what could they possibly need with that? I decided to stay outside and wait 10 minutes.

Sure enough, Mr.Holmes and John walked out a few minutes later and took another cab. I started following until the tracker showed that they were heading home.

I thought I would go pay Mycroft a visit and see what's up with him.

I dialed Mycroft's number and waited.

No answer.

Weird. Maybe he has a meeting?

I turned back and headed to Baker St. well a few blocks away from Baker St.

I was getting nervous, Mycroft never called me back and I was getting worried something might have happened to my father. I haven't seen him in over two weeks.

Mycroft won't let me, he said his condition was bad and I would break if I saw him.

I went into a small store and decided I needed to relax a bit. I needed to clear my head.

"Marlboro and a box of matches please" I said politely. I paid the guy and went back out. I haven't smoked in a while, and with everything moving so fast, I needed a smoke.

I lit up my cigarette, standing in the alley and taking a long drag of smoke.

I started thinking of everything, I needed to organize my thoughts.

Mrs.Hudson, cool old lady she's sweet, smart, and very caring. Link made - Reminds me a lot of my mother.

John Watson, he's mature, calm, trusting, and very loyal to those he cares about. Link made - Mycroft is like that except he doesn't show it to me.

Mr.Holmes, he's brainy, cares a lot about Mrs.Hudson and John but doesn't realize it, weird, sexy, show off, arro- whoa. Sexy? My mind went blank. I identify people according to their personalities and there I am noticing Mr.buttface's looks! Ugh stupid stupid stupid! I kicked the wall behind me taking the last drag of my cigarette. I noticed the beeper went off alerting me to move. I started the engine and followed.

Mr.Holmes and John were next to a university, they were walking there pretty fast. I parked my motorcycle and followed them. Both men were walking to the back of one of the buildings. I saw them talking to a young hippie painting on a door.

I overheard them talking about some sort of painting when I heard two other men coming.

Security guards. Nothing to worry about, I hid behind the staircase and watched carefully.

Mr.Holmes and the painter started running as soon as the security guards were in view.

Baker St.

I saw John and Mr.Holmes go in two different directions, I stayed still to know where they're going. I leaned back and waited. "How's it going dear?" Mrs.Hudson walked in holding some laundry.

"Pretty well, a bit worried about Mycroft actually" I said spacing out. The beeper went off and it showed the bank. That shouldn't be a problem the bank has major security. No one would do anything in daylight I leaned back in my chair and started drinking my coffee.

Sherlock x OC - The Black Masquerade Mask (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now